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Dialogue System

Nicola Dau edited this page Apr 7, 2021 · 10 revisions


  • Create an emotional connection between the player and fictional characters
  • Convey details about the world to the player
  • Help the player with hints about puzzles and mechanics


When the player uses the Player Interaction on Non Player Characters that support it, dialogue will start. The dialogue box changes depending on the type of NPC:

Secondary Characters

Full dialogue is initiated, a character portrait, name and dialogue box will appear at the bottom of the screen. The player is locked into the conversation until the end and doesn't have control on the character anymore.


Tertiary Characters

The dialogue box will simply appear above the character's head showing the entire line, the player has still control on the character. After an X amount of seconds without interaction, or when the player moves away from the character, the Dialogue Box fades away from the screen. Alternatively, if the character runs out of dialogue lines, dialogue ends and the option to interact again is shown.



  • Should be easy for the designers to set up dialogue, character names, portraits, facial imags, animations and objectives from the puzzle manager


A Features (Required)

Basic integration

  • Interacting with Non Player Characters brings up a dialogue box. A box portrait and name of the character are also displayed on screen. The Non Player Characters automatically displays the sentence.
  • The game awaits input from the player
  • The player can press anywhere on screen or press the interaction key to advance the dialogue, specified in the Control Scheme page. If more lines need to be spoken then the next line will be displayed. Otherwise the dialogue will end and the overlay UI elements will disappear.

Multi-Character Dialogue

  • Two character can be speaking to each other, meaning that the designers can change the portrait, the name and the voice of the character speaking without ending the dialogue by assigning an ID to the speaker.

Triggering Admin Access

B Features (Desired)

Dynamic Camera

  • When dialogue starts the camera gently zooms in the two characters interacting. The camera then goes back to its original place when dialogue ends.
  • The position of the camera can be adjustable by designers but always has a "default" position

Letter by letter

  • Instead of display the whole sentence immediately, each line is slowly "written" by showcasing a single, new character every X seconds
  • The player can jump to the end of the phrase by pressing the Interaction Key


  • Insteand of just popping up, the dialogue box enters the screen with an animation. It can slide from the bottom or the side of the screen, for example.
  • For improved player feedback the NPC should also perform animations depending on their mood and dialogue shown on each of the dialogue lines. This should be opened up to the designers

Face Image

  • The face image of the NPC changing depending on the dialogue line should be opened up to the designers for them to use.

Puzzle State Specific Dialogue

  • The dialogue shown on a character should depend on the current state of the puzzle (Complete: Incomplete) to provide more feedback to the player regarding the completion of puzzles. An NPC's dialogue at the start of the puzzle should indicate the reason for completion, and after the puzzle should indicate congratulations to the player and let them know the world state has changed.

NPC Pathing

  • After a puzzle is complete an NPC should be able to walk from point a to point b respective to their reason for being in the puzzle area (e.g NPC is trying to get accross a bridge, so after puzzle completion they should move accross the bridge.)

Dialogue Skipping

  • The dialogue line should not be skipped if it is not finished, instead it should just speed up to reach the end sooner. The dialogue should also be skipped by pressing F and there should be no exit button for the dialogue


Full Dialogue System


Tertiary NPCs Dialogue System

World To The West

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