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Natan Walentin-Konieczny edited this page May 19, 2021 · 1 revision

Purpose of this actor is to check whether the tutorial should be engaged or not on BeginPlay. If yes then the whole Tutorial Event Sequence will play out.


Type Name Description
bool StartTutorial? Controlling bool on whether or not the tutorial sequence should begin
bool SequenceOneComplete Flow control, insures that next stage of tutorial does not begin unless this is true
bool SequenceTwoComplete Flow control, insures that next stage of tutorial does not begin unless this is true
Float BlendExp Camera blend controlling value
Actor CameraCin Reference to cinematic camera
Actor CamRig Reference to Camera attached to rig rail
CameraRigRail CamRig_Rail Reference to rig rail
Actor CamActor3 Reference to Camera Actor 3 in the scene
bool TutFin_Ref_EditUI Flow control, insures that next stage of tutorial does not begin unless this is true
bool CodeDropped_Ref_DropZone Flow control, insures that next stage of tutorial does not begin unless this is true
bool MoveBComp_Ref_AIMove Flow control, insures that next stage of tutorial does not begin unless this is true
bool ObjectiveComplete_Ref_RGolPre Flow control, insures that next stage of tutorial does not begin unless this is true
bool Sequence4Comp_Ref_RGolPre Flow control, insures that next stage of tutorial does not begin unless this is true
bool PZ2ObjectiveCompleteRef Flow control, insures that next stage of tutorial does not begin unless this is true
bool MoveRotateBlockRef Flow control, insures that next stage of tutorial does not begin unless this is true
bool SpacePressed Checks throughout cinematic sequence if Space is pressed. If true then sequence is skipped.
float SkipCutsceneValue Blend value for cameras when the tutorial is being skipped default is 0.
BlockingVolume TutorialBlockVolume Reference to blocking volume to be removed when sequence is complete
PuzzleZone1_Tut Tut_PuzzleZone1 Reference to Puzzle Zone 1 actor. Destroyed when tutorial is skipped.
PuzzleZone2_Tutorial Tut_PuzzleZone2 Reference to Puzzle Zone 2 actor. Destroyed when tutorial is skipped.
PuzzleZone3_Tut Tut_PuzzleZone3 Reference to Puzzle Zone 3 actor. Destroyed when tutorial is skipped.
WitchParent WitchRef Witch reference, setting custom location of witch once sequence is complete.
BlockingRubble BlockingRubble_Ref Reference to blockingRubble, destroyed actor when tutorial is skipped
ScoreHighlight ScoreHLActor_Ref Reference to Trigger volume at end of tutorial for highlighting score. Destroyed if tutorial skipped.

Custom Events


Event called by Main Menu UI. Whenever play is pressed, event checks whether or not StartTutorial Boolean is true or false. If set to false then the tutorial sequence will be skipped and all relevant actors will be destroyed.


This event begins the whole tutorial sequence. Is called by the Main Menu UI when play is pressed. If the tutorial Bool is set to False then this only plays out the cinematic.


When space is pressed at any time during the beginning cinematic, the blend values are set to 0's and whole sequence jumps to the end point.


Is called whenever the player completes the first objective i.e movement.

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