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Nicola Dau edited this page Apr 6, 2021 · 30 revisions


Golems are ancient creatures that the new inhabitants of the world can't fully comprehened, even though they didn't hesitate to promptly use them for their most laborious tasks. All the golems the inhabitants found are today "employed" in the local Lumbermill, where they work hard to sustain the excessive wood conspumption of the Village, but no one heard from the Lumbermill after a mysterious event seems to have made the Golems go rogue.


These once powerful enemies used to have an elaborated AI with diverse and elegant attack patterns that made the most out of the combat system, that is until (Developer Name) accidentally deleted it when trying to implement the new and shiny Lobster Enemies.

Now these golems sit still in the Lumbermill, no longer able to audaciously fight the player. Instead, they could be more useful when re-programmed to actually complete their tasks and continue sustaining Lake Village with their precious Wood.


Golems are the primary gameplay element of the Lumbermill level. The player can access them using the Logic Editing mechanic and give them commands to make them complete Puzzle Design. Along with Pushable Blocks, Golems are the only object heavy enough to activate Buttons.

Golem Colours

Golems belong to a specific colour, observable in their Lumberjack shirts. Every golem of the same colour will operate on the same logic, so when a blue Golem moves, every other blue Golem moves and so on. Golems can change colour when they interact with WheelBarrows: when they do, they immediately start executing the Logic of the new color.


Parameter Value
Size 1m x 1m
Block other objects Yes

Available Code Blocks

These are the Code Blocks available to the Golems when editing their logic, along with their implementation. For the entire list, see Code Blocks.

Code Block Implementation
Move Usual Behaviour
Rotate Usual Behaviour
Push If an object that is pushable is in front of the golem, the golem will punch it. The object will move by 1 exact meter away from the golem.
Pull The golem moves backward by 1 meter, if an object that is pushable is in front of the golem, the golem will drag the object with him.
Grab The golem grabs any object that is in front of it and locks it into its arms.
Release If the golem is grabbing an object, the object is release
Hit The golem performs a strong swing with its axe, hitting anything in front itself
Place A Log Transporters spawns in front of the Golem
Change Color The golem changes its color to the one of the object in front of itself

Function Implementation

These are the ways in which the object reacts when the following actions are performed on it

Function Implementation
Push Usual Behaviour
Pull Usual Behaviour
Grab When a golem is grabbed by another Golem, the Golem that is being grabbed can't perform any other action until it is released
Change Color When a golem uses the action "Change Color" on another golem, they exchange their shirt basically swapping their colours

Visual references

Golem building a Conveyor Belt by using the "Place" node


Extention Ideas

  • Golems could go "rogue" in specific situations and start attacking the player in classic top-down action dynamics
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