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Challenge Doors

Nicola Dau edited this page Apr 6, 2021 · 3 revisions


  • Close the hardest puzzles behind "skill checks"
  • Funnel exploration towards the intended areas
  • Encourage the player to be efficient in their programming

DoorLocked|500 DoorOpen|500


The player can use the Player Interaction mechanic on these doors. Depending on their Efficiency Score (see Puzzle Design), two things will happen:

  • If the player doesn't have the required Efficiency Score a message is displayed, telling the player that they need to raise their score before being able to open the door
  • If the player's Efficiency Score is high enough the door opens, removing the amount required to open the door from the total Efficiency Score of the player

When the Player gets close to a Challenge Door a UI popup displays the Efficiency Score needed to open the Challenge Door.

The Efficiency Score required by the door can be modified by the designers using the Details Tab on a door by door basis.


Parameter Value
Size 1m wide x 2m tall (Normal), 4m wide x 4m tall (Large)
Block other objects Yes


  • Should be easy for the designers to set these doors up. Ideally, they can be dragged in from the asset folder and all the designer needs to do is specify the required Efficiency Level in the apposite field in the Details tab.


Super Mario 64

In Super Mario 64 most levels are locked behind specific doors that require the player to collect Stars in order to open them. This encourages (and sometimes forces) the player to collect more Stars in previous levels before moving forward to new areas. If the player tries to open a door before collecting the required Stars, a message warns them about the requirement.


Extension Ideas

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