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Client options Orion Assistant

Hotride edited this page Dec 8, 2019 · 2 revisions

Command format:

ReturnType, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • ReturnType - the return value of the function (void - the function returns nothing);

  • NameSpace - the scope of the function;

  • name - the name of the function;

  • requiredParameters - required parameters;

  • optionalParameters - optional parameters, the default value is indicated after the = sign

  • bool OptionSound();

Get status of Sound option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionSound(state);

Set Sound option status.

  • int OptionSoundVolume();

Get status of Sound Volume option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionSoundVolume(value);

Set Sound Volume option status.

  • bool OptionMusic();

Get status of Music option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionMusic(state);

Set Music option status.

  • int OptionMusicVolume();

Get status of Music option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionMusicVolume(value);

Set Sound Volume option status.

  • bool OptionUseTooltips();

Get status of Use Tooltips option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionUseTooltips(state);

Set Use Tooltips option status.

  • bool OptionAlwaysRun();

Get status of Always Run option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionAlwaysRun(state);

Set Always Run option status.

  • bool OptionNewTargetSystem();

Get status of New Target System option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionNewTargetSystem(state);

Set New Target System option status.

  • bool OptionObjectHandles();

Get status of Object Handles option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionObjectHandles(state);

Set Object Handles option status.

  • bool OptionScaleSpeech();

Get status of Scale Speech Duration option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionScaleSpeech(state);

Set Scale Speech Duration option status.

  • int OptionScaleSpeechDelay();

Get status of Scale Speech Delay option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionScaleSpeechDelay(value);

Set Scale Speech Delay option status.

  • bool OptionIgnoreGuildMessages();

Get status of Ignore Guild Messages option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionIgnoreGuildMessages(state);

Set Ignore Guild Messages option status.

  • bool OptionIgnoreAllianceMessages();

Get status of Ignore Guild Messages option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionIgnoreAllianceMessages(state);

Set Ignore Alliance Messages option status.

  • bool OptionDarkNights();

Get status of Dark Nights option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionDarkNights(state);

Set Dark Nights option status.

  • bool OptionColoredLighting();

Get status of Colored Lighting option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionColoredLighting(state);

Set Colored Lighting option status.

  • bool OptionCriminalActionsQuery();

Get status of Criminal Actions Query option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionCriminalActionsQuery(state);

Set Criminal Actions Query option status.

  • bool OptionCircleOfTransparency();

Get status of Circle Of Transparency option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionCircleOfTransparency(state);

Set Circle Of Transparency option status.

  • int OptionCircleOfTransparencyValue();

Get status of Circle Of Transparency value option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionCircleOfTransparencyValue (value);

Set the Circle Of Transparency Value option status.

  • bool OptionLockResizingGameWindow ();

Get the status of the Lock Resizing Game Window option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionLockResizingGameWindow (state);

Set the Lock Resizing Game Window option status.

  • int OptionFPSValue ();

Get the state of the FPS Value option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionFPSValue (value);

Set the state of the FPS Value option.

  • bool OptionUseScalingGameWindow ();

Get the status of the Use Scaling Game Window option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionUseScalingGameWindow (state);

Set the Use Scaling Game Window option status.

  • int OptionDrawStatusState ();

Get the status of the Draw Status State option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionDrawStatusState (state);

Set the Draw Status State option status.

  • bool OptionDrawStumps ();

Get the status of the Draw Stumps option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionDrawStumps (state);

Set the Draw Stumps option status.

  • bool OptionMarkingCaves ();

Get the status of the Marking Caves option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionMarkingCaves (state);

Set the Marking Caves option status.

  • bool OptionNoVegetation ();

Get the status of the No Vegetation option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionNoVegetation (state);

Set the No Vegetation option status.

  • bool OptionNoFieldsAnimation ();

Get the status of the No Fields Animation option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionNoFieldsAnimation (state);

Set the No Fields Animation option status.

  • bool OptionStandardCharactesFrameRate ();

Get the status of the Standard Charactes FrameRate option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionStandardCharactesFrameRate (state);

Set the Standard Charactes FrameRate option status.

  • bool OptionStandardItemsFrameRate ();

Get the status of the Standard Items Frame Rate option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionStandardItemsFrameRate (state);

Set the Standard Items Frame Rate option status.

  • bool OptionLockGumpsMoving ();

Get the status of the Lock Gumps Moving option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionLockGumpsMoving (state);

Set the Lock Gumps Moving option status.

  • bool OptionEnterChat ();

Get the status of the Enter Chat option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionEnterChat (state);

Set the Enter Chat option status.

  • int OptionHiddenCharacters ();

Get the status of the Hidden Characters option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionHiddenCharacters (state);

Set the Hidden Characters option status.

  • int OptionHiddenCharactersAlpha ();

Get the status of the Hidden Characters Alpha option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionHiddenCharactersAlpha (value);

Set the Hidden Characters Alpha option status.

  • bool OptionHiddenCharactersModeOnlyForSelf ();

Get the status of the Hidden Characters Mode Only For Self option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionHiddenCharactersModeOnlyForSelf (state);

Set the Hidden Characters Mode Only For Self option status.

  • bool OptionTransparentSpellIcons ();

Get the status of the Transparent Spell Icons option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionTransparentSpellIcons (state);

Set the Transparent Spell Icons option status.

  • int OptionSpellIconsAlpha ();

Get the status of the Spell Icons Alpha option.

Result: Integer Value.

  • void OptionSpellIconsAlpha (value);

Set the Spell Icons Alpha option status.

  • bool OptionFastRotation ();

Get the status of the Fast Rotation option.

Result: true if enabled.

  • void OptionFastRotation (state);

Set the Fast Rotation option status.

Introduced in

int Orion.ClientOptionGet('name');

Get the value of the client option.

A list of available options is given below.

Result: The value of the client option.

void Orion.ClientOptionSet('name', value);

Set the value of the client option.

A list of available options is given below.

List of available client option names:

  • 'Sound'

  • 'SoundVolume'

  • 'Music'

  • 'MusicVolume'

  • 'FootstepsSound'

  • 'CombatMusic'

  • 'BackgroundSound'

  • 'DisableBardMusic'

  • 'DisableCraftingSounds'

  • 'DisableSpiritSpeakSounds'

  • 'DisablePackSounds'

  • 'DisableVariousAnimalSounds'

  • 'DisableVariousMonsterSounds'

  • 'ClientFPS'

  • 'UseScaling'

  • 'RemoveTextWithBlending'

  • 'DrawStatusState'

  • 'DrawStumps'

  • 'MarkingCaves'

  • 'NoAnimateFields'

  • 'NoVegetation'

  • 'HiddenCharactersRenderMode'

  • 'HiddenAlpha'

  • 'UseHiddenModeOnlyForSelf'

  • 'TransparentSpellIcons'

  • 'SpellIconAlpha'

  • 'OldStyleStatusbar'

  • 'OriginalPartyStatusbar'

  • 'ApplyStateColorOnCharacters'

  • 'ChangeFieldsGraphic'

  • 'PaperdollSlots'

  • 'DrawStatusConditionState'

  • 'DrawStatusConditionValue'

  • 'RemoveStatusbarsWithoutObjects'

  • 'ShowDefaultConsoleEntryMode'

  • 'DrawAuraState'

  • 'DrawAuraWithCtrlPressed'

  • 'ScreenshotFormat'

  • 'ScaleImagesInPaperdollSlots'

  • 'RemoveOrCreateObjectsWithBlending'

  • 'DrawHelmetsOnShroud'

  • 'NoDrawRoofs'

  • 'HighlightTargetByType'

  • 'AutoDisplayWorldMap'

  • 'UseToolTips'

  • 'ToolTipsTextColor'

  • 'ToolTipsTextFont'

  • 'ToolTipsDelay'

  • 'ChatColorInputText'

  • 'ChatColorMenuOption'

  • 'ChatColorPlayerInMemberList'

  • 'ChatColorText'

  • 'ChatColorPlayerNameWithout'

  • 'ChatColorMuted'

  • 'ChatColorChannelModeratorName'

  • 'ChatColorChannelModeratorText'

  • 'ChatColorMyName'

  • 'ChatColorMyText'

  • 'ChatColorSystemMessage'

  • 'ChatFont'

  • 'ChatColorBGOutputText'

  • 'ChatColorBGInputText'

  • 'ChatColorBGUserList'

  • 'ChatColorBGConfList'

  • 'ChatColorBGCommandList'

  • 'EnablePathfind'

  • 'HoldTabForCombat'

  • 'OffsetInterfaceWindows'

  • 'AutoArrange'

  • 'AlwaysRun'

  • 'DisableMenubar'

  • 'GrayOutOfRangeObjects'

  • 'DisableNewTargetSystem'

  • 'ItemPropertiesMode'

  • 'ItemPropertiesIcon'

  • 'ObjectHandles'

  • 'ReduceFPSUnactiveWindow'

  • 'HoldShiftForContextMenus'

  • 'HoldShiftForEnablePathfind'

  • 'ContainerDefaultX'

  • 'ContainerDefaultY'

  • 'GameWindowWidth'

  • 'GameWindowHeight'

  • 'SpeechDelay'

  • 'ScaleSpeechDelay'

  • 'SpeechColor'

  • 'EmoteColor'

  • 'PartyMessageColor'

  • 'GuildMessageColor'

  • 'AllianceMessageColor'

  • 'ChatChannelMessageColor'

  • 'IgnoreGuildMessage'

  • 'IgnoreAllianceMessage'

  • 'DarkNights'

  • 'ColoredLighting'

  • 'StandartCharactersAnimationDelay'

  • 'StandartItemsAnimationDelay'

  • 'LockResizingGameWindow'

  • 'LockGumpsMoving'

  • 'InnocentColor'

  • 'FriendlyColor'

  • 'SomeoneColor'

  • 'CriminalColor'

  • 'EnemyColor'

  • 'MurdererColor'

  • 'CriminalActionsQuery'

  • 'BlockWarOnPets'

  • 'BlockWarOnParty'

  • 'BlockWarOnFriendly'

  • 'ShowIncomingNames'

  • 'UseEnglishItemNames'

  • 'UseCircleTrans'

  • 'StatReport'

  • 'ConsoleNeedEnter'

  • 'CircleTransRadius'

  • 'SkillReport'

  • 'SpeechFont'

  • 'FlyingAnimation'

  • 'EnableLargeBankAndVaultGumps'

  • 'BlockDismountInWarMode'

  • 'OpenNewCorpsesInRangeDuringCombat'

  • 'GameWindowX'

  • 'GameWindowY'

  • 'Zoomed'

  • 'RealX'

  • 'RealY'

  • 'RealWidth'

  • 'RealHeight'

  • 'ToggleBufficonWindow'

  • 'DeveloperMode'

  • 'CharacterBackpackStyle'

  • 'CheckPing'

  • 'PingTimer'

  • 'CancelNewTargetSystemOnShiftEsc'

  • 'DrawStatusForHumanoids'

  • 'UseLightCircleTrans'

  • 'MergeSameSystemMessages'

  • 'AnimatedStatusbar'

  • 'DontFixItemsPositionInContainers'

  • 'DoubleClickForLootFromCorpses'

  • 'DontTurnToCombiant'

  • 'CastSpellsByOneClick'

  • 'ShopGumpHeight'

  • 'ObjectHandlesDisplayMode'

  • 'ObjectHandlesAlwaysDisplay'

  • 'MenuGumpWidth'

  • 'SallosStyleStatusbar'

  • 'NoSendTargetToInvalidStatusbars'

  • 'CurrentGlobalChatChannel'

  • 'ContactWidthGumpsOnlyIfCtrlPressed'

  • 'ContactWidthGumpsOnlyIfMouseInGameWindow'

  • 'ShowCounterGump'

  • 'EnableLegibleJournal'

  • 'BlockRunWhileHidden'

  • 'ShowTargetRange'

  • 'ScaleContainersGump'

  • 'ScaleContainersGumpValue'

  • 'GriddedContainers'

  • 'GriddedContainersBackpack'

  • 'GriddedContainersCorpses'

  • 'GriddedContainersAll'

  • 'GriddedContainerWidth'

  • 'GriddedContainerHeight'

  • 'ConvertAsciiToUnicodeForJournal'

  • 'JournalFont'

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