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Speech commands

Hotride edited this page Dec 8, 2019 · 3 revisions

Command format:

ReturnType, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • ReturnType - the return value of the function (void - the function returns nothing);

  • NameSpace - the scope of the function;

  • name - the name of the function;

  • requiredParameters - required parameters;

  • optionalParameters - optional parameters, the default value is indicated after the = sign

void Orion.Print(['color'], 'text');

Prints 'text' string into system chat.

If only 'text' string was passed, default color [no color] will be used.

color - message color.

text - message text.

void Orion.CharPrint('serial', 'color', 'text');

Print a message above character with given serial.

serial - given character serial.

color - message color.

text - message text.

void Orion.Say('text');

Display 'text' speech in client.

void Orion.SetFontColor(state, ['color'=0x02B2]);

Changes font color of YOUR character to given color argument ( if given ) and disables/enables this feature by state argument.

state - can be either true or false.

color - message color.

bool Orion.GetFontColor();

Returns state of Orion.SetFontColor() option.

String Orion.GetFontColorValue();

Returns color value of Orion.SetFontColor() option.

void Orion.SetCharactersFontColor(state, ['color'=0x02B2]);

Changes font color of all characters to a given color argument ( if given ) and disables/enables this feature by state argument.

state - can be either true or false.

color - message color.

bool Orion.GetCharactersFontColor();

Returns state of Orion.SetCharactersFontColor() option.

String Orion.GetCharactersFontColorValue();

Returns color value of Orion.SetCharactersFontColor() option.

Introduced in

void Orion.SayYell('some text');

Do 'yelling' speech.

void Orion.SayWhisper('some text');

Do 'whisper' speech.

void Orion.SayEmote('some text');

Do 'emote' speech.

void Orion.SayBroadcast('some text');

Do 'broadcast' speech.

void Orion.SayParty('some text');

Send 'text' to party chat.

void Orion.SayGuild('some text');

Send 'text' to guild chat.

void Orion.SayAlliance('some text');

Send 'text' to alliance chat.

Introduced in

String Orion.InputText([maxDelay=60000], [message='Input the message...']);

Set a hook for entering text into chat. The sent message will be completely intercepted by the assistant.

If the trap retires by timeout, the sent message will go to the world.

maxDelay - maximum timeout for input;

message - the message that will be displayed when the trap is activated.

Result: An intercepted message or an empty line (if the timeout is reached).

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