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Game object class Orion Assistant

Hotride edited this page Jan 3, 2020 · 4 revisions

Command format:

ReturnType, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • ReturnType - the return value of the function (void - the function returns nothing);

  • NameSpace - the scope of the function;

  • name - the name of the function;

  • requiredParameters - required parameters;

  • optionalParameters - optional parameters, the default value is indicated after the = sign

String obj.Serial();

Result: Serial number of an Object.

String obj.Graphic();

Result: Type of an Object (Picture ID).

String obj.Color();

Result: Color of an Object.

int obj.X();

Result: X object coordinates in world.

int obj.Y();

Result: Y object coordinates in world.

int obj.Z();

Result: Z object coordinates in world.

String obj.Container();

Result: Serial number of an Main(parent)-Object. 0xFFFFFFFF if object is located in world.

int obj.Map();

Result: World map objects index.

int obj.Count();

Result: Quantity

int obj.Flags();

Result: Object flags.

String obj.Name();

Result: Name of an Object (empty for items, until click on object).

bool obj.Mobile();

Result: true is object is alive.

bool obj.Ignored();

Result: true - if object is marked as ignored.

bool obj.Frozen();

Result: true - if object is frozen.

bool obj.Poisoned();

Result: true - if object is poisoned.

bool obj.Flying();

Result: true - if object is flying (gargoyle).

bool obj.YellowHits();

Result: true - if object has yellow health bar.

bool obj.IgnoreCharacters();

Result: true - if object is ignoring players while moving.

bool obj.Locked();

Result: true - if object cant be moved or marked (items).

bool obj.WarMode();

Result: true - if object is in war mode.

bool obj.Hidden();

Result: true - if object is invisible.

bool obj.IsHuman();

Result: true - if object is attacking humanoid.

bool obj.IsPlayer();

Result: true - if object is current player.

bool obj.IsCorpse();

Result: true - if object is dead body.

int obj.Layer();

Result: Number of Layer - object is located in.

bool obj.IsMulti();

Result: true - if object is - Multi.

int obj.EquipLayer();

Result: Number of Layer - object is supposed to locate in.

int obj.Hits();

Result: Hit points amount of an Object.

int obj.MaxHits();

Result: Maximum hit points amount of an Object.

int obj.Mana();

Result: Mana amount of an Object.

int obj.MaxMana();

Result: Maximum mana amount of an Object.

int obj.Stam();

Result: Stamina amount of an Object.

int obj.MaxStam();

Result: Maximum stamina amount of an Object.

bool obj.Female();

Result: true - if object player is a female gender.

int obj.Race();

Result: Race number of an Object.

int obj.Direction();

Result: Direction of an Object.

int obj.Notoriety();

Result: Wickedness of an Object.

bool obj.CanChangeName();

Result: true - if object can be renamed.

bool obj.Dead();

Result: true - if object is dead.

bool obj.Exists();

Result: true - if object does not exist.

Introduced in

String obj.Properties();

Returns string with object properties ( if they were received by MegaCliloc packet from server )

Introduced in

bool obj.ProfileReceived();

Returns true if profile was received from server.

String obj.Profile();

Returns profile contents.

String obj.Title();

Returns characters title ( displayed in paperdoll ).

Introduced in

bool obj.InLOS();

Result: true if the object is in direct line of sight.

int obj.Distance();

Result: The distance from the player to the object.

String obj.FullName();

Result: "Full" name of an Object (empty for items, until click on object).

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