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Find List Item object class

Hotride edited this page Dec 8, 2019 · 2 revisions

Command format:

ReturnType, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • ReturnType - the return value of the function (void - the function returns nothing);

  • NameSpace - the scope of the function;

  • name - the name of the function;

  • requiredParameters - required parameters;

  • optionalParameters - optional parameters, the default value is indicated after the = sign

  • Create new find list item object - new FindListItem('graphic', [color='0xFFFF'], [comment=''], [count=0], [findProtertyList])

Create a new subject object for the search with the specified parameters

Result: A new object of type FindListItemObject.

String findItem.Graphic();

Result: Image ID for the search.

String findItem.Color();

Result: Color for the search.

String findItem.Comment();

Result: Comment on the item.

int findItem.Count();

Result: Quantity (only for the organizer in restock mode).

FindItemPropertyObjectList findItem.Properties();

Result: A list of properties to search for, objects of type FindItemPropertyObject.

  • void findItem.SetGraphic('value');

Change the ID of the image to search for value.

If '0xFFFF' or 'any' is specified, this field is ignored.

  • void findItem.SetColor('value');

Change the color for the search to value.

If '0xFFFF' or 'any' is specified, this field is ignored.

void findItem.SetComment('value');

Change item comment to value.

void findItem.SetCount(value);

Change the quantity to search for value (only for the organizer in restock mode).

If 0 is specified, this field is ignored.

void findItem.SetProperties(findPropertyList);

Change the list of properties for searching the subject to findPropertyList.

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