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The Abyss class

Hotride edited this page Dec 8, 2019 · 2 revisions

Command format:

ReturnType, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • ReturnType - the return value of the function (void - the function returns nothing);

  • NameSpace - the scope of the function;

  • name - the name of the function;

  • requiredParameters - required parameters;

  • optionalParameters - optional parameters, the default value is indicated after the = sign

int Abyss.Count('abilityType', [graphic='0x1515|0x1F03'], [container='self'], [recurse=true]);

Get the total number of charges for the specified ability.

    • abilityType - The name of the spell (or its serial number), for which abilities we look at the charges;
    • graphic - For what type of items (robe / shred / and both) search;
    • container - Where to look for objects with charges;
    • recurse - Search in pre-opened subcontainers.

Result: The total number of charges found.

ObjectList Abyss.Find('abilityType', [graphic='0x1515|0x1F03'], [container='self'], [recurse=true]);

Find all items that have charges of the specified type.

    • abilityType - The name of the spell (or its serial number), for which abilities we look at the charges;
    • graphic - For what type of items (robe / shred / and both) search;
    • container - Where to look for objects with charges;
    • recurse - Search in pre-opened subcontainers.

Result: A list of items found (a list of objects of type GameObject).

bool Abyss.Use('abilityType', [graphic='0x1515|0x1F03'], [container='self'], [recurse=true]);

Use an item with the specified type of ability, if any.

    • abilityType - The name of the spell (or its serial number), for which abilities we look at the charges;
    • graphic - For what type of items (robe / shred / and both) search;
    • container - Where to look for objects with charges;
    • recurse - Search in pre-opened subcontainers.

Result: true if the item was found and a request for use was sent.

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