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Selected tile object class

Hotride edited this page Dec 8, 2019 · 3 revisions

Command format:

ReturnType, [optionalParameters=defaultValue]);

  • ReturnType - the return value of the function (void - the function returns nothing);

  • NameSpace - the scope of the function;

  • name - the name of the function;

  • requiredParameters - required parameters;

  • optionalParameters - optional parameters, the default value is indicated after the = sign

String SelectedTile.Serial();

Returns serial of selected tile ( if it's an in-game item, not land art ).

String SelectedTile.Graphic();

Returns graphic id/type of selected tile.

String SelectedTile.Color();

Returns color of selected tile.

int SelectedTile.X();

Returns x coordinate value of selected tile.

int SelectedTile.Y();

Returns y coordinate value of selected tile.

int SelectedTile.Z();

Returns z coordinate value of selected tile.

String SelectedTile.LandGraphic();

Returns graphics id/type of land art of selected tile.

int SelectedTile.LandX();

Returns land x coordinate ( will be same as SelectedTile.X() )

int SelectedTile.LandY();

Returns land y coordinate ( will be same as SelectedTile.Y() )

int SelectedTile.LandZ();

Returns land z coordinate ( CAN BE different from SelectedTile.Z() )

bool SelectedTile.IsLandTile();

Returns true if this is a land tile.

bool SelectedTile.IsStaticTile();

Returns true if this is a static/multi tile.

bool SelectedTile.IsGameObject();

Returns true if this is a game object.

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