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Adrian Quintana edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 1 revision

Equivalent Euler angles

To compute equivalent Euler angles use the following program

#include <data/geometry.h>
#include <data/args.h>
#include <iostream>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    double rot= textToFloat(argv[1]);
    double tilt=textToFloat(argv[2]);
    double psi= textToFloat(argv[3]);
    std::cout << "(" << rot << "," << tilt << "," << psi << ") Initial\n";
    double newrot, newtilt, newpsi;
    Euler_mirrorY(rot, tilt, psi, newrot, newtilt, newpsi);
    Euler_another_set(newrot, newtilt, newpsi, newrot, newtilt, newpsi);
    std::cout << "(" << realWRAP(newrot,0,360) << ","
              << realWRAP(newtilt,-180,180) << ","
              << realWRAP(newpsi,0,360) << ") Mirror Y; Another set\n";

    Euler_mirrorX(rot, tilt, psi, newrot, newtilt, newpsi);
    Euler_another_set(newrot, newtilt, newpsi, newrot, newtilt, newpsi);
    std::cout << "(" << realWRAP(newrot,0,360) << ","
              << realWRAP(newtilt,-180,180) << ","
              << realWRAP(newpsi,0,360) << ") Mirror X; Another set\n";

    Euler_mirrorXY(rot, tilt, psi, newrot, newtilt, newpsi);
    Euler_another_set(newrot, newtilt, newpsi, newrot, newtilt, newpsi);
    std::cout << "(" << realWRAP(newrot,0,360) << ","
              << realWRAP(newtilt,-180,180) << ","
              << realWRAP(newpsi,0,360) << ") Mirror XY; Another set\n";

    Euler_mirrorY(rot, tilt, psi, newrot, newtilt, newpsi);
    std::cout << "(" << realWRAP(newrot,0,360) << ","
              << realWRAP(newtilt,-180,180) << ","
              << realWRAP(newpsi,0,360) << ") Mirror Y\n";

    Euler_mirrorX(rot, tilt, psi, newrot, newtilt, newpsi);
    std::cout << "(" << realWRAP(newrot,0,360) << ","
              << realWRAP(newtilt,-180,180) << ","
              << realWRAP(newpsi,0,360) << ") Mirror X\n";

    Euler_mirrorXY(rot, tilt, psi, newrot, newtilt, newpsi);
    std::cout << "(" << realWRAP(newrot,0,360) << ","
              << realWRAP(newtilt,-180,180) << ","
              << realWRAP(newpsi,0,360) << ") Mirror XY\n";

    Euler_another_set(rot, tilt, psi, rot, tilt, psi);
    std::cout << "(" << realWRAP(rot,0,360) << ","
              << realWRAP(tilt,-180,180) << ","
              << realWRAP(psi,0,360) << ") Initial; Another set\n";

    return 0;

Call it as

./equivalentAngles 10 90 100

-- Main.CoSS - 08 Aug 2008

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