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Adrian Quintana edited this page Dec 11, 2017 · 1 revision

convert_tia2raw (Release 2.4)


This program allows you to convert Tecnai Imaging and Analysis images to their raw versions (i.e. without header). The use of selfiles is provided as well as single file conversion.


$ convert_tia2raw ...


  • `` Name of the input file to be converted (Tecnai Imaging and Analysis format)
  • `` Name of the converted output file (Raw format). If no output file is declared, input file name with.raw extension is used
  • `` Name of the sel file for the case in which a set of images are going to be converted
  • `` Extension for the converted files
  • `` Cut values above (below) dStddev standard deviation (default = 5)


Here you have several examples of commands for file conversion:

  1. Convert a TIA image to raw format.

$ convert_tia2raw -i img.ser -o img.raw

Two files are written,img.raw and its info fileimg.raw.inf.

  1. Here it is an example with sel file. Given the sel fileimages.sel whose content is the following:

image1.ser  1
image2.ser  1
image3.ser  1

The command to type should be more or less like:

$ convert_tia2raw -sel images.sel -oext raw

Seven files are written,images_raw.sel whose content is:

image1.raw  1
image2.raw  1
image3.raw  1

the filesimage1.raw ,image2.raw,image3.raw, and their info files,image1.raw.inf,image2.raw.inf andimage3.raw.inf.


--Main.JoaquinOton - 18 Jan 2010

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