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Awesome Stars

Awesome list of Github Repos / Users I starred / followed, esp. those that you can't really google.




  • turbo-json-parse: Much faster JSON.parse
  • devalue: Stronger JSON.stringify, support Map, Set, cyclic ref
  • face-api: Check if someone is someone, in image
  • proxy-deep: Nested proxy made easy
  • js-data: Underrated datastore-agnostic ORM.
  • zet: Extends es6 Set so that it is actually useful besides removing duplicates in array
  • microlink: Generates pretty preview of website, supports Nodejs, React


  • passport-google-oauth2: Newest way to oauth2 google
  • lyo: Convert Nodejs module to brower-compatitable
  • flow-mono-cli: Monorepo + Flow
  • taiko: A layer on top of puppetor to make code even more readable
  • apify: Another puppetor layer?
  • croatia: Good for learning how to format console output of spawn process
  • sqorn: Nice js api for creating a SQL query
  • microjob: Makes working with Nodejs thread easy)
  • PWA builder
  • npm-check: Check npm dependencies
  • danger: Enforce policies in Code Review
  • login-with: Microservice for 'Login with xxx', very easy to use
  • dumper: var_dump for Node, no more console.log
  • polly: Stub http interactions. Useful for testing your test server
  • mockoon: The opposite of Postman, mocks an API
  • badgen: Generate badges
  • webpack-proxy: Install deps automatically
  • jsonstore: free JSON as API service
  • hygen: Generate code files with templates
  • ink: React-like syntax for cli
  • prompts: A nice CLI that gives inquirer the finger
  • yargs: Parse CLI args
  • np: Better npm publish
  • release: Generate changelog
  • cosmicconfig: All the ways to read a config file
  • nm-prune: Remove unneeded files from node_modules
  • neutrino: Webpack-chain suites
  • youch: blue screen for server
  • nexe: Make exe out of npm project
  • quickfix: Make temp fix right inside node_modules
  • probot: Create Github App / Bot
  • fuse-box: Very strong bundler, with task runner and quantum for optimization


  • worker-plugin: Plugin to bundle web-worker also in Webpack
  • grape: Drag'n'Drop editor building html templates
  • highway: Browser router
  • dom-testing-library: Test any websites using best practices. dom-testing-library-with-anything is an example of it
  • dayjs: Immutable momentjs alternative, same API.
  • date-fns: Immutable lodash version of momentjs. (No timezone / daylight saving yet)
  • spacetime: Another immutatble version of momentjs with timezone
  • pigeon-maps: Google map without the weight
  • worker-dom: Kind of like React Suspense, but language-agnostic? (still experimental)
  • Umbrella: Very light version of jQuery
  • lingui: i18n I really like, has components & render-prop for React also
  • reim: Immutable state management. (Yes MINE ;))
  • hybrids: Create web-components, don't even need special integration to use React, Vue
  • greenlet: Transform an async function to web-worker, one function call away
  • css-blocks: Can still use CSS in React, with optimizations
  • text-mask
  • qrious: Generate QR Code on Canvas
  • filepond, uppy: Really awesome file uploaders
  • tippy: Tooltips, has React wrapper
  • maptalks: Create 2D / 3D map, supports SSR
  • AR.js: 60fps AR, even on low-end phones
  • stencil.js: web-component framework, syntax similar to React
  • maker-badge: Shows your ProductHunt badge in websites
  • irondb: Stores data in all possible storage in browser at same time


  • easytable: Nutty table component
  • img-inputer: Image upload, looks neat
  • touch-ui: All components you need to make a mobile webapp
  • vuesax: looks pretty good, esp. like its blur




  • mkcert: Create SSL cert locally (even localhost)


  • jasper: Github Issue reader. (Not sure if best one yet)



Awesome list of Github Repos







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