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Configuring fastcgi for mapserver on iis 5.n and 6.n (x86

DonaldKerr edited this page Feb 13, 2013 · 2 revisions

Notes by Donald Kerr

Configuring FastCGI for Mapserver on IIS 5.n and 6.n (x86)

  1. Download FastCGI Extension 1.5 for Internet Information Services 6.0 and 5.1 (x86) from
  2. Install FastCGI running fcgisetup_1.5_x86_rtw.msi downloaded in 1. above.
  3. Once the above install is completed, create a script mapping as follows:
  • Open inetmgr.exe.
  • Expand the folder tree and right-click Websites then click Properties.
  • Click the Home Directory tab.
  • Click the Configuration… button.
  • Click the Add… button.
  • In the Add/Edit Application Extension Mapping dialog box, click Browse... then navigate to fcgiext.dll that is located in _C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv_.
  • Note that you will now have to click in the browse result input box in order for the OK button below to be enabled.
  • In the Extension text box, enter ".exe" (no quotes).
  • Under Verbs, in the Limit to text box, enter "GET,HEAD,POST" (no quotes and no spaces).
  • Ensure that the Script engine and Verify that file exists check boxes are selected.
  • Click “OK” (three times to close all the open dialogs).
  • Modify fcigext.ini in _C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv_. *Add an extension to application mapping exe=EXE to the [Types] section (see below). *Add a [EXE] section with ExePath=d:\mapserver\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe (see below).

[Types] exe=EXE

[EXE] ExePath=d:\mapserver\cgi-bin\mapserv.exe

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