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Minnesota 2019 Codesprint

Jeff McKenna edited this page Jun 27, 2019 · 34 revisions

This page details activities and discussions that are part of the OSGeo Community Sprint 2019.

Development Focus

  • new PROJ API support - focus on PROJ version 6 and up only...
  • new GDAL, GEOS, PostGIS opportunities - our use of those C APIs is dated and should be reviewed
  • removing unused or unmaintained features (e.g. drop mode=browse, mode=indexquery)

MapServer RoadMap Ideas

7.6 Release Ideas

Note: any of these could be delayed until an 8.0 release but are generally non-breaking changes or enhancements from an end-user perspective.

8.0 Release Ideas

Note: these could involve breaking changes of one sort another (e.g. mapfile syntax change).

Project Related

  • PSC meeting
  • 7.4 release plans
  • MapServer sponsorship options / discussions

PSC Meeting Agenda

10am Thursday morning on IRC - so 10am CDT/GMT-5 on IRC.

Server: Channel: #mapserver

  1. Sprint news
  2. 7.4.0 release status
    • release done, website updated
    • Steve to send link to announcement to mapserver-users
  3. MapCache release plan
  4. v8 roadmap and release plan
  5. Budget / sponsorship options
  6. State of MapServer FOSS4G talk
  7. AOB
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