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PSC Meeting 2021 08 26

Jeff McKenna edited this page Dec 7, 2021 · 9 revisions

Meeting time

Meeting Location

Meeting Agenda

  • 8.0.0 release plan discussions
    • review major items outlined on release plan
    • do we modify proposed release schedule?
  • community feedback / discussions
  • terms
  • ossfuzz
  • next meeting date



  • Attending: Steve, Jeff, Seth, Even, Daniel

  • Agenda item: discuss the 8.0 release plan and timeline (plan:

    • timing:
      • steve: would like to move feature freeze a week or 2
      • even: only one beta is needed
      • steve: maybe FF on 9/17, 8.0 final on 10/8
      • jeff: ok, proposal:
        • Feature freeze: Fri. September 17, 2021
        • 8.0-beta: Fri. September 24, 2021
        • 8.0-rc1: Fri. October 1, 2021
        • 8.0 (final): Fri. October 8, 2021
    • Config file RFC
      • steve: missing forcing plugins to reference the config file
      • seth: do all users have to use config file, with 8.0 ?
      • steve: yes
      • even: will config file be searched in /etc/ on Unix?
      • steve: no default location at moment
      • jeff: what about wildcards, searching for multiple mapfiles through the config file?
      • steve: MS_MAP_PATTERN must be set in config file
      • daniel: MS_MAP_PATTERN can be a regex
      • steve: will update wiki RFC, jeff to publish
      • even: use the make install target of cmake, to find config in /etc
      • steve: thanks Even for msautotest passing with the config changes
    • OGCAPI
      • steve and jeff to meet to cleanup final parts
  • Agenda item: feedback

    • even: only support current stable release, and the previous branch
    • daniel: patch the last release branch of the two most recent major releases
    • jeff: that is what was my initial suggestion in thread, current stable release plus previous branch (so after the 8.0 release this will mean we support 8.0.x and 7.6.x)
  • Other items:

    • seth: working on MapServer slide for the FOSS4G presentation
  • Next meeting: September 30th

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