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PSC Meeting 2021 07 29

Jeff McKenna edited this page Dec 7, 2021 · 12 revisions

Meeting time

Meeting Location

Meeting Agenda

  • 8.0.0 release plan discussions
    • review major items outlined on release plan
    • do we modify proposed release schedule?
  • community feedback / discussions
  • proposal: have regular PSC meetings once per month (last Thursday of every month, at this time)
  • your items here
  • next meeting date



  • Attending: Steve, Daniel, Jérome, Jeff

  • Agenda item: discuss the 8.0 release plan and timeline (plan:

    • jeff: will begin the change from shp2img to map2img
    • steve: fine
    • steve: I have todo: config file, RFC44 opt in patch, misc ogcapi fixes
    • jeff: do we keep the feature freeze date of Fri Aug 6 ?
    • steve: we should delay one month
    • jeff: ok, propose 9/3 freeze, 10/1 release (keeping with Friday release schedule)
      • Feature freeze: Fri. September 3, 2021
      • 8.0-beta1: Fri. September 10, 2021
      • 8.0-beta2: Fri. September 17, 2021
      • 8.0-rc1: Fri. September 24, 2021
      • 8.0 (final): Fri. October 1, 2021
    • jeff: asks Jerome about possible MapCache next release
    • jerome: agrees that release with MapServer 8.0 is good plan
    • steve: we should send note to dev list about config work status
    • daniel: are we turning RFC drafts into official docs?
    • jeff: did this for OGCAPI
    • steve: we should do for Config draft also
    • jeff: volunteers to convert
  • Agenda item: propose monthly PSC meeting

    • jeff: proposes to use this timeslot (last Thursday of every month) for regular PSC meetings
    • all in favor
  • Next meeting: Aug 26th, same time

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