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Martin Eisengardt edited this page Sep 11, 2016 · 3 revisions

1. Download plugin jars

The minigames releases can be downloaded from Spigot. You will find the latest development builds as well as releases in Nexus

For each minigame you will need at least the MinigamesLib-*.jar and the minigame jar itself. Within the minigames-all Archive from the nexus link above you will find all the games.

2. Installation

Put the jar files into the server's plugin Folder.

The minigames are working without additional setup. However you may need some additional setup for some of the features (f.e. mysql database setup).

NOTICE: If you get the error "UnsupportedClassVersionError" ( your java is too old. please upgrade to at least java 8

3. Commands

The minigames lib plugin is controlled by console command /mglib The minigames have their own command, f.e. Snake-Challenge is controlled by console command /sc

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