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Martin Eisengardt edited this page Aug 6, 2016 · 1 revision

MGDeathRun for Minigames-API

How to play

Within DeathRun all you have to do is surviving. The last player being alive wins the game.

Sounds too easy? Well. The arena is dispersing the blocks you are Standing above. You will lose your footing and will be dropped into deepness. So all you can do is run for your life and hope that the blocks you are standing on won't disappear because any other player stepped on them.


There are no special boost items


DeathRun creates two classes on default.

  • "Default" contains a potion with ultimate speed.
  • "Jump" contains a potion the lets you jump very high.


All commands are prefixed with "/dr"

See Default-Sub-Commands

(Administrators) Arena Setup

There is no special setup needed. But your arena should be built on multiple levels. The lowest Level is typical made full of lava.

A player actually will lose if he gets killed, for example by lava. But it will be more clever to


The game is internally called "deathrun".

All signs have to use "deathrun" as minigame name.

Configuration files

File Path Default Value Description
config.yml config.die_below_bedrock_level false True to let the player lose 100 blocks below spawn. False to let the player lose 15 blocks below spawn.
config.yml config.level_of_blocks_to_remove 1 Increase the value to let more block Levels (y-coordinate) disappear
config.yml config.ticks_to_wait_before_breaking_blocks 15 Decrease the value to let the blocks disappear very fast
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