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Martin Eisengardt edited this page Jul 31, 2017 · 4 revisions

MGSkyWars for Minigames-API

How to Play

In this game all you have to do is survive.

You start with some tooling to gather resources and to hurt your enemies. You can build up a base and hide or you can attack.


If you interact with chests you will get a random item set.


SkyWars has three pre-defines kits:

  • default (Players gets a bow, an arrow and a wooden pickaxe)
  • pro (Player gets a stone sword, a stone shovel, a bow and an arrow)
  • extra_life (Player gets an ink sack, a stone sword, a stone shovel, a bow and an arrow). This kit gains an extra life too.


All commands are prefixed with "/sw"

See [Default-Sub-Commands](Default-Sub-Commands]

(Administrators) Arena Setup

There is no special setup needed.

However the spawn points won't be created at your characters location. Instead the plugin creates a Dragon egg inside your invenory. Using it on the ground inside your arena will create a spawn point and above it some glass Cage where the players are teleported before starting.

Your arena bounds should be very big or instead create some arena within the sky. You must ensure the players cannot run outside the arena. Keep in mind that they can break blocks so placing some bedrocks on the bottom of your arena can be useful.


The game is internally called "skywars".

All Signs have to use "skywars" as minigame name.

Configuration files

File Path Default Value Description
config.yml config.spawn_glass_blocks true if set to True the game spawns a class cage above the spawns.
chests.yml config.enabled true True to enable gathering random items from chests
chests.yml config.modes.chests true True to enable random chests via config.chests
chests.yml config.modes.items false True to enable random items via config.items
chests.yml config.chests - The chests configuration, see description below
chests.yml config.chests - The items configuration, see description below

chests.yml in Details

If you disable the chests at all (config.enabled is set to false) you can put your own content into the chest. It will not be changed.

If you enable the chests it will create a random content the first time someone opens a chest on the arena battle field.

chests mode (config.modes.chests is set to true)

If chests mode is activated the game chooses one of your chest setup depending on the percentage you give. The percentage should sum up to 100 over all chests. The chest will be filled with the items of your setup.

Example: A percentage of 5 gives you a chance of 5% to get this chest setup.

If the percentage does not sum up to 100 or (however) the chest is empty the plugin will choose a random chest.

items mode (config.modes.items is set to true)

The items mode adds one or more items depending on the percentage you give. The percentages may not sum up to 100.

For example: If you create two item setups with 80% you have a 80% Chance to get item setup #1 and another 80% chance to get item setup #2. This is a total of 64% chance (0.8 * 0.8) to get both setups or even a 4% chance (0.2 * 0.2) to get none of the setups.

If the chest is still empty a random items setup will be chosen.

mixed mode (config.modes.chests and config.mode.items is set to true)

After activating both modes the game will first choose a chest and after it the items setups will be given on top.

items Setup ( or

  • Multiple items will be separated by ';'. Example: "261;262" gives you a bow (id 261) and a single arrow (id 262).
  • Using a ':' character after the item id lets you declare the item variant. Exmaple: "1:3" gives you diorite.
  • By using a '*' at the end you can set the item amount. Example: "1*20" gives you 20 stones (id 1).
  • By using a '=' at the end of the item you can create a display name. Example: "262*15=Sniper" creates 15 arrows called 'Sniper'.
  • By using a '#' you can give one or more enchantments to your items.
  • Using a '%' at the end of the item lets you declare additional percentage values. This percentage value defaults to 100 (always part of the chest).
  • Enchantments are made of the enchantment name and the level. "262*15#KNOCKBACK:2" gives you a knockback arrow of level 2.