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Martin Eisengardt edited this page Sep 10, 2017 · 6 revisions

MGMobEscape for Minigames-API

How to play

MobEscape is all about escaping from monsters and reach the finish before you get killed.

After spawning you are typically facing a long course. You must go around barriers, sometimes you need to jump skillful. The first player reaching the finish wins.

Admnistrators can either let all living players win or only the first player reaching the finish to win the game. Ask the administrator or play the game to find out.


  • The iron axe #258 lets you make a high jump.
  • The ender pearl #368 teleports all players to your Location
  • The tnt #46 drops tnt at your current position. This will confuse/blind the other players as soon as they pickup the tnt.


MobEscape has three pre-defines kits corresponding to the Special items from above:

  • Jump (Player gets one iron axe)
  • TnT (Player gets one tnt and one iron axe)
  • Enderpearl (Player gets one ender pearl and one iron axe)


All commands are prefixed with "/de"

See [Default-Sub-Commands](Default-Sub-Commands]

Sub-Command Permission Description
setmobspawn [Arena] setup Sets the monster spawn
setflypoint [Arena] setup Adds a new flypoint
setmobtype [Arena] [Dragon/Wither] Setup Changes the monster type

(Administrators) Arena Setup

You should always ensure that the arena is built into the air and that the arena bounds are set wide. The monsters will destroy the blocks within a given range. Making the bounds too small will result in corrupt maps because not all blocks the monster broke will be reset correctly.

Additionally you will have to set the mob spawn and the flypoints.

/de setmobspawn [Arena]

This command will set the Monsters spawn point to the location of your character. The Monster spawn should be at least some blocks behind the players that they are not eaten within the first second.

/de setflypoint [Arena]

This command will add a new flypoint. The monster will consequently fly to the flypoints in the order you added them. You should place flypoints on the way the players must run to escape. The last flypoint will be the finish. This is the block the players must be nearby to win.

/de setmobtype [Arena] [Dragon/Wither]

This command changes the monster you are using. Currently it supports an ender dragon and a wither.

if you detect problems because players are "randomly" winning or losing you can enable a debug feature. In config.yml set debug_players to yes. Not you will see more log messages telling you what's going on and why players are winning/losing.


The game is internally called "mobescape".

All Signs have to use "mobescape" as minigame name.

Configuration files

File Path Default Value Description
config.yml config.mob_name Dragon Name of the monster that eats the players.
config.yml config.mob_speed 1 Increase to make the monster faster.
config.yml config.destroy_radius 10 The block radius destroyed by the monster.
config.yml config.spawn_falling_blocks true True for animating the destroyed block (spawn falling blocks).
config.yml config.all_living_players_win true True if all living players will no matter how far they were running. False to let only the finishing player win.
config.yml config.die_below_bedrock_level false True to let the players die below the bedrock Level (y == 100).
config.yml config.allow_player_pvp true True to allow player pvp during match
config.yml config.liquid_particles true True to create particles for liquids. Set to false if getting lags with large water/lava lakes
config.yml config.block_blacklist - The minus sign means: Destroy all blocks (even bedrock). Otherwise add the blocks seperated by comma: "1:1,7" will not destroy granite and bedrock
arenas.yml arenas..jumpFactor 1.3 Increase to let the player make higher jumps by using the iron axe. Notice: Making this value too high will let the players get fall damage and maybe the fall to death.
arenas.yml arenas..falling_block_ratio 100 decrease the value if you have many blocks in your arena and if your players experience lags. For example a value of 50 will only spawn half amount of falling blocks.
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