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Martin Eisengardt edited this page Dec 4, 2016 · 2 revisions

MGSplegg for Minigames-API

How to play

Splegg/Spleef with MinigamesLib. You break blocks with your shovel/some other tool and get snowballs which you can throw again to remove more blocks. Also supports different levels, but you need to create the snowblock levels by yourself! (snowblock just as an example)


There are no special boost items


It doesn't have shooting shovels yet, to use it as solely splegg, just give them eggs/snowballs, to use it as spleef just leave the classes config as it is.

Splegg has three pre-defined classes.

  • "Default" gives you a diamond sovel and 16 snowballs.
  • "Iron" gives you a more powerful diamond shovel and 64 snowballs.
  • "Diamond" gives you a high speed diamond shovel and 3 staks of snowballs (64 each).


All commands are prefixed with "/sp"

See Default-Sub-Commands

(Administrators) Arena Setup

There is no special setup needed.

A typical arena is made of multiple platforms having some space between them. You start on the top platform and to bottom each platform is getting smaller.


The game is internally called "Splegg".

All signs have to use "Splegg" as minigame name.

Configuration files

File Path Default Value Description
config.yml config.allow_snowball_knockback true TODO
config.yml config.powerup_spawn_percentage 10 TODO
config.yml config.shoot_with_shovels true TODO
config.yml config.shoot_eggs_instead_of_snowballs true TODO
config.yml config.die_below_bedrock_level false TODO
config.yml config.hunger_when_not_breaking_blocks false TODO
config.yml config.give_snowballs_when_breaking_blocks false TODO
config.yml config.whitelist.enabled false TODO
config.yml config.whitelist.ids 1;5;35 TODO
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