(It feels like hugging a cactus when using this engine.)
A tiny game engine built for small-scale personal projects, targeting desktop platform. As of now it is still only a rendering engine and is WIP.
Engine features:
- Entity-component-system architecture
- Vulkan support
- Multi-thread rendering
- Deferred shading
- Render graph
- Scene saving and reading
Working in progress:
- ImGUI support
- PBR render graph
Deprecated feature(s):
- Heterogeneous-GPU rendering
- OpenGL support
- GLFW (window/input utility)
- GLM (graphics mathematics)
- Dear ImGui (GUI utility)
- Assimp (asset import)
- stb (image utility)
- JsonCpp (JSON parser)
- Vulkan SDK 1.2+
- Volk (Vulkan loader)
- Vulkan Memory Allocator
- SPIRV-Cross (SPIR-V utility)
- C++ 17
- Visual Studio 2022 (IDE)
Sample model sources:
- Crytek Sponza & Serapis Bust from Morgan McGuire's Computer Graphics Archive
- Unity-Chan from Unity-Chan Official Website
- Lucy from Stanford 3D Scanning Repository