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2021 Software Engineering meeting notes

Ryan Knox edited this page Jan 3, 2022 · 7 revisions

December 20, 2021

Last meeting of the year




  • Ryan and Greg don't recall having seen MEMLEAK in ctsm before; Is there a difference between the hlm tests for this?
  • Ryan is running a single site through Valgrind to assess.

FATES output analysis script

  • Ryan considers this a replacement for ACRE
  • Ryan asked for some feedback and ideas on what we'd like to see in the way of output analysis script
    • From a SE standpoint, Greg would like to have rapid plotting to help streamline global plots and regions of interest to asses DIFFs.
  • Justifications for developing an analysis script: Reducing common pain points, particularly for new users
    • Picking a cartographic plotting library (there are multiple options)
    • Handling multiplexed dimensions
    • 'Canned' analysis that help educate users about output variables
      • Have script provide users with list of (non-standard) variables to be added to their case
    • Handling time conversions, particularly for discrepencies between cftime expectation and hlm output reality
  • Script should be fates specific, but hlm agnostic
  • Scripts versus notebooks discussion: should the script be a vehicle for educating users for more complex analyses?
    • Script should have thorough documentation in code and with user guide. Perhaps notebooks for replicating the script line by line as tutorial?
    • Aside: Greg thought this PyCon presentation on different types of documentation was helpful.
  • Aside: xarray bug to be submitted by Ryan (corruption of netcdf file)

PR status board

  • Variable VAI bins, ctsm-side:
    • After discussion with Erik it was determined we should not integrate with upcoming non-b4b ctsm tag
      • Erik had already started a draft PR, so we will use this
    • Additions to the PR: Ryan noted from his script work that a dimension was missing and unit meta data as well
      • fates_levelement needs to be added
      • need units for some of the definitions (e.g. fates_levheight)

December 13, 2021

Canceled due to AGU

December 06, 2021


  • Plan towards FATES-ELM API 20
    1. API 18: Passing in fates%bc_in(s)%fcansno_pa(:) (Greg contacted ELM team)
    2. API 19: History overhaul (interface call order for zeroing and initializating)
    3. API 20: Running means (required splitting initialization sequence and passing model timestep early)
  • Weekly review of the PR Status Board:
  • Walk on topics


Plan towards FATES-ELM API 20

  • API 17 PR under testing and review
  • API 18 conversation kick started. Short term plan should be very easy and b4b.
  • API 19 should be very straight forward (testmod variables update)
  • We should start a conversion to discuss alternate PR workflows (Charlie)
    • Should we condense multiple API updates together? E.G API 18-20
      • For reference, ctsm folks like API updates to be b4b generally if lumped together. What does e3sm want?
    • Should we adopt a fates_api branch for e3sm?
      • This might be more palatable if e3sm likes a milestone-based approach
      • This re-introduces the non-trivial task of having to rebase the api branch into master
        • This might be preferred to e3sm given the standard practice of rebasing

PR status board


  • 752: In progress
  • Under Review:
    • 766: Ryan to prioritize and work through checklist. Will ask me and Junyang for review.
    • 800: Ready and waiting on review. Ryan self-assigned for review.
      • Does not necessarily need to be synchronized with a ctsm-side API, but there are ctsm-side updates that could be rolled into a future PR.
      • Charlie and Rosie to review as well.
  • To Do
    • 816: Marcos to test if original issue is fixed with latest tag (running means)
    • 817: SP mode crops
      • This is dealing with crop aream, not running like clm crops
      • Rosie noted that Dave Lawrence stated that crops get shunted into nat veg
      • Rosie illuminated and fixed bugs wrt order of operations for init_cohorts

Walk on topics

November 29, 2021



ERS sp mode fix update

  • Greg determined when the failure mode switched from COMPARE_base_rest to RUN
  • With Ryan's help, Greg has a test running to check the hypothesis that the changes to update_hlm_dynamics is causing the issue.
    • Assuming this is successful, then move on to assessing original failure mode during the restart comparison

P32x2 fix plan

  • Greg to test out two hypotheses:
    1. Bill's suggestion to isolate code failure with appropriate OpenMP pragmas
    2. Erik's suggestion to change test to utilize all 36 processors on cheyenne (32 is a suboptimal split and could be causing some issues)
  • Ryan noted that fates by design is typically thread safe

Fractional snow coverage

  • Jennifer isn't aware of any fractional snow in e3sm
  • When did this get introduced to ctsm?
    • Charlie found that CLM5 paper (by Dave) seems to intro the concept to ctsm

Walk on issues

  • FATES-CTSM sp mode plus crops
    • Rosie is starting to looking into how to handle crops during fates sp mode.
      • Original method zeroing out crops in data doesn't seem to be working, so Rosie pivoted to trying to appropriately handling crops
  • Global PFT allometry parameterization status
    • Discussion of allometry parameterization and with whom to coordinate on development
      • Ryan has a google spreadsheet he's working up to organize the particular people and plans for a given PFT (he'll share this in the near future)
    • Allometry updates are a high priority after SP mode fixes and fates-sp mode update to e3sm (per Charlie)
  • History refactor status update for the community
    • Ryan will check in with Adrianna about writing up a fates community email to announce the change

PR status board

  • Final testing
    • 752: Charlie to work on variable VAI bin widths now that history refactor is integrated
  • Review
    • 800 and 804: Marcos ok'd us git cherry-picking the relevant commit in 804 to create a new PR
      • Greg to take this. Ryan thinks review has been pretty thorough so we can start testing as soon as new PR is ready.
    • 792: Ryan wants to re-review and see if there are more variables that we should be assessing to report to the log. Lower priority compared to others tho. Move into To Do?
  • To Do:
    • 768: Ryan and Jennifer prioritizing to work on this to bring it to review in the near future.

November 22, 2021



fates-docs appendix discussion

  • For now consensus is to use a simple table
    • We can look at future proofing with in code string docs
  • Related: discussion of promotion of tech note updates
    • At the least, maybe we should request that any new history variables get updated with associated pull requests

PR status board

  • Final testing
    • 750: imminenent. Waiting on one non-fates failure.
      • Greg modified tests to take care of some erroneous test updates that came in with dev062
      • Prioritize an e3sm pr to correspond to this pr as well
    • 802: conditional on 750. Ready otherwise.
  • Under Review
    • 792: deprioritized for 724
    • 724: Ryan actively updating to assess the differences he's seeing
    • 766: Ryan to work on after 724
  • To Do
    • 804 and 800: 804 is built on top of 800. Marcos will recreate 804 to make it stand alone.
      • Move 800 to 'Under Review'. Ryan self-assigned to review
      • Punting on whether or not to make this simple scheme the default to a future discussion
  • WIP
    • 801: Discussion of current progress
    • 769: Will need conflict resolution post VAI bin widths integration
    • 768: Jennifer anticipates revisiting this soon.

Walk-on topics

  • SP mode ERS fix prioritization:
  • Update the issue with the fact that its failing prior to getting to the COMPARE_base_rest now
    • Are the points where the model is failing in the same area or is the failure mode orthogonal to original issue?
  • ctsm nuopc update causing snags in single point builds
    • Adrianna shared the clm meeting recording where this was telegraphed
    • Charlie suggested making an issue on fates repo to point to the ctsm relevant PR (Ryan to do this)
    • We should also do some outreach to let people know about this on the fates-side, who might not participate in the clm meetings
  • Project board new column
    • Should we have columns for ctsm and e3sm PRs?

November 15, 2021



Google Colab Allometry Notebook

  • Google colab is place to host jupyter notebooks:
  • Ryan gave us a step-by-step overview of how he has setup a colab notebook to run functional unit tests for the allometry code
  • Goal: make this user-friendly to allow users to test out alternate parameterizations
  • Compiling on colab allows users to more easily compile fortran, instead of trying to run locally
  • Sharing on google colab seems to still be a work in progress

PR status board

  • PR 724: in progress, moved back to "Under Review"
  • PR 750/752: waiting on new ctsm dev tag
  • PR 805: needs regression testing
  • PR 802: still needs review, but prioritize for integration after 750/752
  • PR 800/804: bug fixes
  • PR 801: Move to WIP
  • Aside: noted as location to put future post-api17 updates

HLM PR updates

  • Action: Greg to draft up the elm-sp mode pull request - COMPLETE
  • We also need to get an elm-side fix for PR 750
  • Adrianna noted that Bill is looking to have a meeting to discuss the fates api tagging process

November 08, 2021



ReviewNB discussion

Stem area index PR final steps

  • This is good to go; fates-side testing ran with diffs as expected.
    • There is a ctsm-side associate PR. Greg made Erik away and put it on the 'next tag' ctsm board
    • Greg is waiting on dev062 to integrate before final testing using aux_clm

Radiation errors uncovered discussion

  • Inhibited second canopy layer test case from Charlie was presented
  • Hypothesis is that lowest leaf layer is partial fraction of a layer. There was discussion of potential modifications to test the hypothesis.
  • Jackie suggested migrating these results and future discussion to the existing radiation balance error discussion for further discussion

New PR summaries

  • Deferred discussion of the new PRs that Marcos created as he was unable to attend the meeting
  • Discussion of history variable refactor PR 802 zeroing of values
    • Current recommendation is to add the new zero_site_hvars wrapper call to clmfates_interfacemod
    • Should we address direct variable zeroing in update_history_dyn with this PR?
      • Consensus was to leave this for a future PR. This idea is addressed in existing issue #231
    • CTSM-related: should the companion variables on the ctsm-side align to the new fates units and when?
    • Action: Greg to review companion CTSM PR 1542. Ryan to review 802.
  • Discussion of [no-comp logic fixes in PR 805]( and potential future logic update (patch-level versus site level))

Galaxy clm-fates update

Fun stuff

  • Ryan suggested chiptune (8-bit) background music for fates animations. Adrianna discussed interests in developing more animations for fates data representation.

November 01, 2021



Discussion of hio_mortality_si_pft output

  • Adrianna noticed that the hio_mortality_si_pft was returning a large variable output for the first time step
  • Removing the call to update_history_dyn results in a consistent value between the hio_mortality_si_pft output and the m value calculations
    • Ryan noted that there are things that are updated and need to be calculated prior to the call in init_coldstart.
    • hio_mortality_si_pft should be zero at the first time step, correct?
  • Charlie: testing on a grid might be helpful in illuminating (Adrianna currently compiling with single point)
  • Adrianna to start up a ctsm-side branch to help assess possible ctsm-side issue to help resolve the issue
  • This might necessitate a larger refactor that is out of scope of the initial PR. Some short term suggestions made.

ELM-FATES SP mode comparison to CLM-FATES SP mode discussion

  • There was general agreement that the fates sp mode seems to be qualitatively consistent between the two host land models
    • That said, this assumes that the differences are largely due to areas where crops are predominant.
      • Double checking the host land model runs, crops are turned off for HLM-SP mode (use_crop = .false.)
        • Note: create_crop_landunit = .true. for HLM-SP mode
    • How to get a comparison by including crops or excluding crops in the runs?
      • Rosie modified the dataset: she will get Charlie the dataset mod script
      • See discussion of how to reconcile crops and fates-sp mode in issue #760
      • Ryan suggested checking to see if a crop-specific LAI exists that could be accounted for in post-processing
      • Charlie suggested we could possible correlate with albedo variables
  • Charlie noted that the radiation error was not failing out with the most recent commits
    • Greg noted that the radiation is blowing up and crashing the run
    • Charlie will do the experiment to compare to his output previous to Rosie's commits

PR project board review

  • Ryan making progress on Junyan's PRs
  • Ryan running means still doing some review
  • Try and get #752 integrated this week

October 25, 2021


ELM-FATES sp mode update

  • Greg reported that elm-fates versus clm-fates comparison forthcoming.
  • Ryan asked about success of exact restart ERS tests with elm-fate spmode.
    • Greg has not done this yet, but is a good idea to check. Also relevant to E3SM-FATES regression test list.

Running means check-in (PR 724)

  • Ryan reported differences between main branch and new running means on an f10 grid:
    • This was run with fire on
  • Charlie asked to have burned area checked as well
  • Jackie noted that ultimately we should fix the temperature used for fire to be highest and not average, but this update is consistent.

Radiation error check-in

  • Detailed discussion largely deferred for later review with PR author
  • Charlie noted that it looks something that was committed to the repo last week is introducing the issue.
  • It was noted on the call and on github that radiation code could benefit from overall refactor
    • Plan is to first address the issue at hand in this PR without refactoring

Regression test discussion

  • Jennifer and Ryan agreed to put together a list of possible tests, and check in with the E3SM team to find out how much testing is reasonable to add to their land developer suite
  • Ryan suggested adding topographic tests that was added recently

PR project board review

  • VAI bin widths (#752) has no new update since last week.
  • Leaf water potential (#736) is currently being updated by Ryan in prep for final testing
  • hlm_pft_map pr (#798) should be bfb
  • #768 dev on hold for the next two weeks per Jennifer

History refactor check-in

  • Discussion of testing results wrt hydro. Ryan and Adrianna agreed that a retest should be done.

October 18, 2021


  • Thank Greg for taking awesome notes
  • History refactor updates
  • E3SM-FATES regression test list status and future update discussion (in the context of recent CTSM #1275)
  • Discuss #792 and report discussion with CTSM software meeting last week
  • What is integration plan for #750?
  • weekly review of the PR Status Board:
  • Discuss Solar Radiation error Handling Issue #794 that came from PR792


History refactor updates

  • Adrianna presenting the notebook that she has created to run a comparison check on the variables
  • Discussion of consistent max_diff error
    • Current hypothesis is that this is a double versus single precision issue
  • Still need to check a few other categories of variable
  • Requested double check on csv comparison table logic
    • Current plan is to provide the csv file to public so that users can update their scripts

Regression testing for E3SM

  • Tabled until we can discuss with E3SM rep

Logging discussion

  • There was a good discussion during the ctsm software meeting last week about the distinction between warnings
  • Ryan has started developiong a new warning reporting function FatesWarn
    • Prints warning message passed to the function and counts the number of times warnings have been issued
    • Also can input and index to bin the warnings to a particular group each of which keeps separate counters
  • Aside: Is e3sm seeing solar radiation balance logging?

Integration plan for stem area index (PR 750)

  • Action: Charlie will add comparison check results from using sp mode with and without these fixes
  • Action: Rosie to test that the code gives the exact same results as before when I revert the leaf fraction to 1.0

PR project board discussion

  • PR 724: Greg reviewed ctsm-side and doesn't think we need more review on that side. Will test this week and coordinate with Erik for integration timing.
  • Ryan created a one-line IBMfix for e3sm due to specific issue. This is on API 16, so we'll need to bring this over to the next api update.
  • Prioritization of "Under Review"
    • 752 should not be answer changing. Parameters that govern this PR have already been integrated in a preview tag. Agreed to move to testing.
    • Action: Greg to test

Discussion solar radiation error handling issue

  • Quick overview of issue 794 (solar radiation error handling) to spur future discussion on github as we were close to time.

October 11, 2021


  • what's going on with indenting and whitespace?
  • check-in on history refactor
  • check-in on #738 (rooting depth PR)
  • check-in on #768 (nutrient controls on photosynth)
  • check-in on CTSM #1275 testing updates and cleanup
  • walk-on topics
  • weekly review of the PR Status Board: - SKIPPED


Indenting and whitespace

Whitespace standardization methodology discussion

  • Do either of the host land models have styleguide?
    • Adrianna noted that Bill suggests a particular Fortran documentations
  • Current fates styleguide:
    • Suggestion to provide examples of IDEs/editors example of how to enable automated compliance
  • Action: Create issue for discussion

History refactor PR check-in

  • Testing forthcoming
  • flushval discussion
    • For the time being we are going to stop spawning and destroying sites (ignore) in cases where unnecessary
    • In the future we may need to revisit this for land use/land cover change or similar use cases where we would be spawning/destroying fates sites
  • Discussion of hio_leaf_md_canopy_si_scls calculation and updating the long name

Nutrients controls PR check-in

  • Reviews are ongoing with some recent feedback.
  • Qing investigating a different approach to calculate vcmax from leaf carbon without using scaling.

CTSM 1275 and FATES 738 pull coordination

  • #738: Ryan wants Rosie to sign off on this before integrating. Tests look good.
    • Rosie reviewing changes now
  • #1275: Held up due to two different test failures
    • Failure downloading data for aux_clm NEON-specific site test.
      • Create issue and move on is recommendation
    • ERP_D_P32X2 fates test failing to RUN due to weird issue
      • Create issue and move on is recommendation

Walk-on topics

  • Greg: Success with building sp mode enabled cases for e3sm. Dealing with run failure issue for parameter file. Assuming this is user error.
  • Adrianna: Should we increase the character name length for fates history variables?
    • Ryan: We probably need to review this with hlm folks
  • Rosie: Having issue with python settings in Cheyenne.
    • Charlie noted that this may help solve the issue
      module load ncarenv
  • Rosie: Working on single pft sp mode issue

PR project board discussion

Skipped since we basically covered the most pressing PRs.

October 4, 2021



Western Sydney Univ updates (DGVM for Australia)

  • Greg had quick update on status on WSU postdoc e3sm-fates progress per Assaf. They are going to run through the tutorial this week. Questions/issue likely forthcoming in the near future. No paired programming/walkthough conducted yet.

Discussion of #738

  • Intent is to get b4b results; Ryan reverted crown_depth PR update and generated issue #789 to achieve this.
  • Question of why master is using crown_depth = min(1.0,height); consensus appears to be that this is incorrect.
  • Adrianna suggested using biomass and allometry dataset which has crown depth that we could use to benchmark against
  • Short term plan: switch to using crown_depth_frac version of equation.

History file refactoring

  • Discussion of C13disc_SCPF using per mil as unit
    • CMIP is the only protocol that uses carbon isotopes which predicated the use of per mil
  • Action: Adrianna to leave as is an make an issue
  • Testing to be started end of week

SP mode issues

  • 785: grass phenology changes within sp mode
    • This suggests that something is wrong specifically with grass phenology. Xiulin continuing to investigate
    • Ryan suggests we should change the title away from sp mode
  • 782: single pft check
    • The check is working as intended, but it does raise a question with regards to how users want to run with a subset of the hlm pfts
      • Consensus appears to be to leave the check as is, but to provide a more detail warning message about the intent of the failure
      • Ultimately this should be discussed in detail in the technote

PR project board discussion

  • CTSM PR #1275 update
  • #735 is good to go, Ryan to integrate
  • Run testing for #758 and #764
  • Running means (#724) after CTSM #1275
  • Moved #750 to under review due to Charlie's PR to Rosie's branch

Issue audit

  • No audit; ran out of time
  • Jackie highlighted #236 and #772 (Radiation balance check verbose output)
    • Charlie noted #191 as well
    • Ryan suggesting that we simply encapsulate all warnings with internal debug flag
    • Action Ryan to create a PR for this

September 27, 2021



Tropical frost mortality question from Marcos

  • Simulations show a spike in M8_SCPF
    • Possible uninitalized variable?
    • Appears to be during the first time step only?
  • Charlie: Soil carbon distribution as a related issue
    • Charlie confirmed on the fly that this is occuring in the first time step across the tropics
  • Action: Marcos to open an issue - COMPLETED (

Trimming routine and slamax issue (#770)

  • Charlie/Rosie: The intent is to prevent the leaf layers from getting infinitely thin. Meant to act as a cap.
  • Action: Ryan to close issue

Reduce list of active variables to only non-multiplexed variables

  • Rosie: Maybe we should maintain some multiplexed as active since users may be unaware of the fact that we have multiplexed at all. The sense is that users use the default output as the first way to learn about variables.
  • Charlie: As a related aside, there is a hist_fexcl1 variable that can be used in user_nl_clm to exclude active variables
  • scorch_height, nplant_scag, fuel_amount_ageful are very large multiplexed
    • Adrianna to set to inactive in her work on issue 630
  • Action: Ryan to create an issue to get a discussion going with the wider FATES community

Review of recent discussions on hydraulics PRs

  • 766 includes all commits from 746, so close 746
  • error variable discussion
    • Marcos suggested adding a flag to check budgets for error threshholds to allow user to set whether or not they want to stop a run

History variable refactor discussion

  • Do we want to change the disturbance rate outputs from per day to per year?
    • Charlie/Ryan: per year
  • Leave FATES_NPATCHES and similar variables with empty units?
    • Yes (altenate idea was using 1 but consensus was too confusing)
  • hlm_hio_ignore_val versus 0 implementation for flushval on fates sites
    • We need to figure out which bounds in Flush routine are fates bounds and which are hlm bounds
      • Maybe add information to history variable type
  • Action: Ryan and Adrianna to talk more about this

PR project board discussion

  • #724 is on hold until CTSM #1275 is integrated
  • Charlie to deconflict #750
  • Greg to review and sign off on #758

September 20, 2021


Very Old Notes

Call notes 2016-07-07

Requirements for CESM2 incorporation:

  • No answer-changing changes to scientifically-supported configurations on CLM svn trunk after Sept. 1
  • No code changes at all after either beginning or middle of November.

Tasks to get us to that:

Pre-september 1 changes:

  • Start adding full CLM test suite to ensure compatibility with rest of model
  • Finish bringing github mods to head of CLM trunk and make this the master branch
    • sort of columnization issues
    • possible issues with D. Kennedy's hydraulics code
    • address any other issues that come up
  • Finish the core interface development that is called while timestepping, e.g. any loop changes to photosynthesis code
  • bring code from github master onto CLM trunk using diff tools

Post-September 1 changes

  • non-timestepping changes
    • I/O
    • etc.
  • remove ED subdirectory from CLM

# Call notes 06 Apr 2017

Critical Path(s)

**Have weekly meeting at 11-12 on Fridays. Charlie to send invite. **

For splitting FATES repo

  • Ben to update PR #202 with recent changes : in progress (04/14)
  • Ryan to pull in #202 and #207 before the split. : #202 in progress, #207 DONE (04/14)
  • Have moratorium on new external pull requests before split. : DONE
  • One/two more PR's necessary before split - cleaning up issues : in PR #211 (04/14)

Immediate CESM interface priorities (Ben)

  • Merge FATES interface back into CLM svn repository
  • Ben to initiate code review of CLM branch (svn) with CLM-CMT
  • Test within CLM etc.
  • Make FATES external for CLM.
  • Maybe iterate any required changes back into FATES repo.
  • Add FATES test for aux-CLM. (to make sure CLM doesn't break the interface)
  • Replace use_ed with use_fates

Other priorities for FATES

  • Parameter management code (cdl/netcdf conversions)
  • Other outstanding FATES issues!
  • integer & character reads on parameter interface

Other pre-release priorities for CESM (Rosie/Ben)

  • Release date for CESM - non Breckenridge and/or 3 months after science freeze (tbc)
  • Make CLM5-FATES compset in CLM5. (Ben)
  • Test CLM5-FATES compset in CLM5. (rosie) 04/14 waiting for a sensibly integrated branch
  • Change testing to have a CLM5-FATES test. (Ben)

Priorities for ACME (Ryan)

  • Pull out code from ACME
  • Link to Gautam interface.


  • Have weekly meetings at 11MT : 866-740-1260 , 4866724
  • Charlie to call in to CLM-CMT meeting (Ben to inform Charlie when there is relevant discussion).

# Call notes 14 Apr 2017

  • CESM code freeze: May 17th hard code freeze. May 1st 'soft' testing deadline.
  • merge conflicts with PHS balance checking: new routines for computerwatermass. Plan for making these changes...
  • ED tests on Cheyenne; going to ignore until the repo split happens.
  • progress on critical path since last week. (see above)
  • Ryan has been working on ACME interface. A mystery person has been 'improving' it.
  • Link to step-by-step for splitting:
  • Moved next weeks meeting to thursday 20th 11MDT

# Call agenda 20 Apr 2017

  • Updates on critical path to splitting repo: (1) PR #211 (2) anything else?
  • bugzilla 2445 - How to deal with the new surface dataset situation in CLM which gives a separate land unit for crops, including generic crop, and always has generic crops... Probable fix is to make the crop_on_own_landunit flag (I forget its name) negative with ED, and change the logic of the negative case to entrain crop area into the nat veg soil in FATES for now. This will continue to make all the ED test fail (and thus we won't catch any other issues) in CLM until we find a fix.
  • bugzilla 2442 - Recap on Cheyenne numCohorts issue. (to be looked at next week?)
  • what we actually discussed:
    • all PRs done. proceeding with repo split
    • bug 2442. still need to figure out if its a pio issue or what
    • bug 2445: short term plan is to turn off all generic crop-holding landunits and add that weight to the naturally vegetated landunit. longer-term plan is to figure out how to make FATES run on its landunit, CN corp model on its landunit, and have different instances of the BGC soil model work on each, with N turned off on the FATES LU and turned on on the corp LU. Erik will try to implement the short-term solution in next day or so so that it doesn't block CLM developments.
    • once the repo split happens, Ben will oversee migration of the code from the NGT "CLM" repo to the CLM svn repo.
      • clean up, use_ed to use_fates
      • add fates/CLM5 compset. Charlie will discuss what switches ought to be enabled on that compset. then we can test and go from there.
      • Ryan to add a change thread test.

Month dd, yyyy


  • Your agenda item here


PR project board review

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