My personal configurations for use just about anywhere, as well as some additional cool tools/frameworks that I might find noteworthy.
Currently, I have dotfiles in this repo for:
- vimium,
bindings for your browser! - darkreader, Dark mode across the web
- Reddit Enhancement Suite, better old reddit
- uBlock, world's best adblocker
I use fonts from nerdfonts. Most recently I have been using Hurmit which I like for its ligatures and icon support.
Here's a simple list of tools that I use on the regular:
- delta, fancy alternative diff for Git
- fzf, fuzzy-find for shell written in Rust
- ripgrep,
alternative written in Rust - fd,
alternative written in Rust - bat,
alternative which looks much nicer written in Rust - tmux, insanely popular terminal multiplexer written in C
- neovim, insanely popular alternative to
- vim-plug, plugin manager for neovim
- fish, modern shell with fun plugins
- btop++,
alternative in C++ - taskwarrior, CLI based task manager
- k9s, TUI Kubernetes manager
- pihole, DNS filtering for your network
- home-assistant, open source smart home management
- k3s, single-node Kubernetes clusters made easy
- podman, widely developed open source container tools
- buildah, container image building made easy
- ansible, configuration management through YAML
- Ansible playbook to install stuff
- Git configuration
- Vim plugin documentation?
- Colorschemes for iTerm/alacritty
- Fish plugin documentation
- Add fish plugin conf
- Add windows terminal config