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Jan 29th Feb 5th Update

Aleks edited this page Feb 5, 2021 · 2 revisions

Aleks's Update

A lot of understanding has been made regarding the radio communication issue. With an oscilloscope and help from the previous team lead, it was determined that the radio never physically registered any incoming communications from the rover. This is in contrast to when the base radio is plugged into a dev kit. Yesterday, 2/4/20, with the help of Isaac's test script, it was determined that the Base radio was capable of sending communications. The issue has been isolated to the receiving end of the base radio's pipeline. Isaac performed physical lead tests on all critical parts of the board.

This is quite confusing as I was under the impression the pipeline for receiving and sending communications was the same.

Location of Base radio issue

This issue has had a huge effect on the time scale of things. Deployment cannot happen until the Base and Radio are able to talk to each other.

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