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Eli Winkelman edited this page Nov 14, 2019 · 7 revisions

Spool | Updates | Github

A web application that manages your Loom devices and data. Register your devices, log data to the internet, and create rich visualizations of device data.


  • Log data to a central internet location securely.
  • Easily create rich visualizations of data from sensor deployments.
  • Access device logs (errors and console) online. (Coming soon)
  • Allow users to change a device's loom configuration online. (Coming soon)
  • Integrate devices with other online services without writing more device code through a web hook/action system. (Coming eventually)

Getting Started

Using the OPEnS Lab Spool

If you are just trying to use spool for storing data from your devices for research, you can get free access to the OPEnS Lab Spool instance by submitting a request form here (ADD LINK).

Read the user guide for the application here (ADD LINK).

Self Hosting

If you want to run your own instance of Spool, there are a few setup steps you need to complete.

  1. Setting up MongoDB
  2. Install NodeJS and MongoDB
  3. Configuring Auth0 for User Authentication

Setting up a development environment for spool

Dependencies: nodejs 12.x lts, docker-compose 3.7

  1. Make a folder called Spool on your machine
  2. Clone Spool from the github repository inside this folder.
  3. (TODO) Add docker-compose stuff to github hierarchy.
  4. Run npm install inside the src directory to install node modules. (Important)
  5. To run: Run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up --build

The web application will be at localhost:3001 and the API at localhost:3000.

See the setup guide (ADD LINK) on the OPEnS Wiki.


See the generated documentation and the spool API documentation (coming soon!).

Extending Spool

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