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My first map

Sygmei edited this page Aug 21, 2017 · 4 revisions

Now you have created your project it's time to create a level !

A level is where you can put your sprites, your colliders, your objects and scripts all together to make a game !

A single project can has as many levels as you want and you can load a map from another map (using a teleporter for example).

To create a map, we will start the engine using the following parameters :

  • On Windows : ObEngine.exe -mode edit
  • On Linux : ./ObEngine -mode edit

You should have a little window looking like that :


Enter MyFirstMap on the input at the bottom of the window


Then click the big ➕ button to create the map, it should now looks like that :


Good job :) You now have your first map, to edit it, click on the map in the list !

Now we will see how is structured a project in ÖbEngine : Project Structure

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