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Scripting : Local Events

Sygmei edited this page Nov 16, 2017 · 11 revisions

❗️ This part of the guide will use a feature we didn't see yet ❗️

But don't worry, I'll try my best to explain the concept in a simple way.

Each GameObject Script Component does have 4 default Local Triggers which are the following ones :

Trigger Description
Init Called when the GameObject is being created
Update Called at every update in the Game Loop
Delete Called when the GameObject is deleted

Of course you can use more Local Triggers using GameObject extensions (and we will see that later) or create your own Local Triggers !

Let's check the Triggers Parameters of these 4 Local Triggers we already saw :

Trigger Parameters
Init Dynamic Parameters
Update dt

While Save and Delete doesn't take any parameters, Update takes one parameter named "dt" which is the DeltaTime (We will learn what is DeltaTime in a future chapter don't worry).

But the most interesting one here is obviously the Init Trigger, what does Dynamic Parameters means ?

Well, the Init trigger works like a constructor, it's up to you to choose what do you want to ask for Constructor Parameters !

Let's imagine we have a Sum GameObject, the code could looks like that :

function Local.Init(number1, number2)
    print(number1 + number2);

But where will we pass those parameters ?

You might have guess ! It's directly linked to this chapter of the guide : GameObject Requirements

There is actually two ways to pass those parameters :

  • Using the Requirements statically (In a map file / vili file)
  • Passing them dynamically by exposing the Local.Init

We will come back a bit later on those Triggers in a later chapter as it's a bit complicated, let's come back to something more simple : Accessing GameObject Components

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