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Erich Kästner edited this page Nov 19, 2019 · 2 revisions


Distributed messaging system.


  • entity - A service of dmsg (typically being part of an executable running on a machine).
  • entity type - The type of entity. dmsg has three entity types; dmsg.Server, dmsg.Client, dmsg.Discovery.
  • entry - A data structure that describes an entity and is stored in dmsg.Discovery for entities to access.
  • frame - The data unit of the dmsg system.
  • frame type - The type of dmsg frame. There are four frame types; REQUEST, ACCEPT, CLOSE, FWD, ACK.
  • connection - The direct line of duplex communication between a dmsg.Server and dmsg.Client.
  • transport - A line of communication between two dmsg.Clients that is proxied via a dmsg.Server.
  • transport ID - A uint16 value that identifies a transport.


The dmsg system is made up of three entity types:

  • dmsg.Discovery is a RESTful API that allows dmsg.Clients to find remote dmg.Clients and dmsg.Servers.
  • dmsg.Server proxies frames between clients.
  • dmsg.Client establishes transports between itself and remote dmsg.Clients.

Entities of types dmsg.Server or dmsg.Client are represented by a secp256k1 public key.


     S(1)        S(2)
   //   \\      //   \\
  //     \\    //     \\
 C(A)    C(B) C(C)    C(D)


  • [D] - dmsg.Discovery
  • S(X) - dmsg.Server
  • C(X) - dmsg.Client

Connection Handshake

A Connection refers to the line of communication between a dmsg.Client and dmsg.Server.

To set up a dmsg Connection, dmsg.Client dials a TCP connection to the dmsg.Server and then they perform a handshake via the noise protocol using the XK handshake pattern (with the dmsg.Client as the initiator).

Note that dmsg.Client always initiates the dmsg connection, and it is a given that a dmsg.Client always knows the public key that identifies the dmsg.Server that it wishes to connect with.


Frames are sent and received within a dmsg connection after the noise handshake. A frame has two sections; the header and the payload. Here are the fields of a frame:

|| FrameType | TransportID | PayloadSize || Payload ||
|| 1 byte    | 2 bytes     | 2 bytes     || ~ bytes ||
  • The FrameType specifies the frame type via the one byte.
  • The TransportID contains an encoded uint16 which represents a identifier for a transport. A set of IDs are unique for a given dmsg connection.
  • The PayloadSize contains an encoded uint16 which represents the size (in bytes) of the payload.
  • The Payload have a size that is obtainable via PayloadSize.

The following is a summary of the frame types:

FrameType Name Payload Contents Payload Size
0x1 REQUEST initiating client's public key + responding client's public key 66
0x2 ACCEPT initiating client's public key + responding client's public key 66
0x3 CLOSE 1 byte that represents the reason for closing 1
0xa FWD uint16 sequence + transport payload >2
0xb ACK uint16 sequence 2


Transports are represented by transport IDs and facilitate duplex communication between two dmsg.Clients which are connected to a common dmsg.Server.

Transport IDs are assigned in such a manner:

  • A dmsg.Client manages the assignment of even transport IDs between itself and each connected dmsg.Server. The set of transport IDs will be unique between itself and each dmsg.Server.
  • A dmsg.Server manages the assignment of odd transport IDs between itself and each connected dmsg.Client. The set of transport IDs will be unique between itself and each dmsg.Client.

For a given transport:

  • Between the initiating client and the common server - the transport ID is always a even value.
  • Between the responding client and the common server - the transport ID is always a odd value.

Hence, a transport in it's entirety, is represented by 2 transport IDs.

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