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My MacOS/Linux dotfiles repo, managed by dotbot & 1password

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🚀 Quick Install


sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"


sh -c "$(wget -O -"

🔧 Features

💻 CLI Tools

  • 🐚 ZSH: The Z shell.

    • 🌟 Oh-My-Zsh: A delightful community-driven framework for managing Zsh configuration.
  • 🛠 General Utilities:

    • 🦇 bat: A better cat with syntax highlighting.
    • 📑 ctags: Source code indexing.
    • 🐙 git: Distributed version control system with:
    • prettier: Opinionated code formatter.
    • 🔍 ripgrep: A line-oriented search tool.
    • 🔒 1password-cli: Command-line tool for 1Password.

📝 Editor - Vim

  • Plugins:

    • Code Navigation & Search:

      • 🔎 ctrlp: Full path fuzzy file, buffer, mru, tag, ... finder for Vim.
      • 🏷 tagbar: A class/module browser for navigating source code in an organized way.
      • 🍇 vim-vinegar: Enhance Vim's built-in directory browser.
    • Coding Assistance & Intelligence:

      • 🚀 copilot.vim: GitHub Copilot support for Vim.
      • 🧪 vim-test: A Vim wrapper for running tests on different granularities.
      • 🔬 vim-coverage: Displays code coverage information for various languages.
    • Code Formatting & Alignment:

      • 💅 vim-prettier: A Vim plugin for Prettier, the opinionated code formatter.
      • 🧐 vim-easy-align: A Vim alignment plugin to make text alignment easy.
      • 🌑 vim-carbon-now: A Vim plugin for opening the current buffer in for beautiful code screenshots.
    • Git Integration & Diff:

      • 🕵️ vim-fugitive: A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal.
      • 📈 vim-gitgutter: A Vim plugin showing a git diff in the sign column.
      • 📝 vim-gh-line: Open GitHub URL for the current file/selection/line.
    • Linting & Syntax Checking:

      • 🛠️ ALE: Asynchronous linting/fixing for Vim.
    • Text Manipulation & Editing:

      • 🔄 surround: Deal with pairs of surroundings effortlessly.
    • Language Support & Syntax Highlighting:

      • 📜 vim-solidity: Solidity syntax and indent plugin for Vim.
      • 🕊 vim-flutter: A Vim plugin for Flutter development.
      • vim-kotlin: Kotlin syntax and indent support for Vim.
      • 🪐 vim-jupyter: Juypter notebooks for Vim.
      • 🐹 vim-go: Go development plugin for Vim.
      • 🗃️ vim-jsonl: JSONL syntax highlighting for Vim.
    • Miscellaneous Utilities:

      • ✈️ vim-airline: Lean & mean status/tabline for Vim that's light as air.
      • ⚙️ vim-maktaba: Vim framework for writing scripts and plugins in Vim script.
      • 🔀 vim-tmux-navigator: Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits.
Adding Vim Plugins

To add vim plugins, use git submodules.


git submodule add vim/pack/plugins/start/vim-test

🎨 Aesthetics

  • 🖋 Hack: A typeface for source code.

🍎 MacOS Exclusives

  • Applications:

    • 👓 Dozer: Hide menu bar items.
    • 🖥 iTerm2: macOS terminal replacement.
    • 🎵 Spotify: Music streaming service.
    • 🔒 1Password: Password manager.
  • Preferences:

    • Dive into abundant system preferences changes in osx/
    • 🖐 Use TouchID for sudo commands.
    • 🌄 Gray background
    • ⚠️ Everything's reversible! Run to restore your original settings.

🔄 Updating

Keep your configurations fresh and up-to-date!

  • Easy Update: Run the install script again, and it'll automatically check for the latest configurations.

    sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
  • 🛑 No Redundancy: By default, if there are no new git commits, nothing is changed.

  • Force Update: Want to ensure the latest and greatest? Use the -f flag to force the installation.

    sh -c "$(curl -fsSL" -- -f