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Configuring GPIO for use with the gpio adapter

Michael Stegeman edited this page Apr 11, 2018 · 3 revisions

By default, the gpio-adapter only has a single gpio pin enabled, pin 18.

To view the GPIO configuration, you can navigate to Settings -> Add-ons in the UI, and click Configure on the gpio-adapter entry.

The gpio-adapter uses the node library onoff to configure the pins, so you can refer to that documentation for full details.

  • "pin" is the pin number.
  • "name" is an arbitrary name that you assign to the pin. This will show up in the UI as the default name.
  • "direction" may be "in" or "out" (currently "high" and "low" are not supported).
    • If direction is set to in, the following may also be configured:
      • "edge" which may be one of "none", "rising", "falling", or "both".
      • "debounce" which is a number indicating the number of milliseconds that the input should be debounced for. If no debounce is provided, then a default of 10 milliseconds will be used. Setting debounce to 0 will disable the debounce logic.
    • If direction is set to out, the following may also be configured:
      • "value" which is the initial value

So for example, the following configuration would have pin 18 as an output and pin 23 as an input:

  "gpios": [
      "pin": 18,
      "name": "led",
      "direction": "out",
      "value": 0
      "pin": 23,
      "name": "button",
      "direction": "in",
      "edge": "both",
      "debounce": 10
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