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Debugging OpenZWave

William Fahle edited this page Apr 15, 2021 · 3 revisions

Enable OpenZWave Logging

The default configuration of the OpenZWave library will have logging enabled and the contents will go into a file called OZW_Log.txt in the directory where app.js was run.

You can also cause the debug output to be directed to stdout. One way to do this is to edit the file adapters/zwave/zwave-adapter.js file, find the ConsoleOutput option and set it to true.

When you restart the node server, you will then see copious amounts of logging.

Note that many z-wave devices will just start working after a reboot of the gateway, so if a thing fails to add when you have paired it, try rebooting the gateway and adding again before resetting the device.

Build a debug version of libopenzwave

For debugging segfaults, you'll want a debug version of the openzwave library. You can do this by doing the following:

git clone
cd open-zwave
BUILD=debug make && sudo BUILD=debug make install

Note that if you're building a debug version in a tree that has previously had a release version built, then you should do a make clean before building the debug version.

Now that you've got a debug version of openzwave, you should be able to run app.js under gdb and get debug information (like a backtrace).

gdb node

and then when you get to the gdb prompt:

(gdb) run ./app.js

If you then get to a segfault, use the bt command to get a backtrace.

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