Config files for language-specific development and for the environment in general.
- tldr: Simplified and community-driven man pages
- tree: Display directories as trees (with optional color/HTML output)
- zsh-syntax-highlighting: Fish shell like syntax highlighting for zsh
- watch: Executes a program periodically, showing output fullscreen
- nmap: Port scanning utility for large networks
- neofetch: Fast, highly customisable system info script
- neovim: Ambitious Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility
- jq: Lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
- imagemagick: Tools and libraries to manipulate images in many formats
- jpegoptim: Utility to optimize JPEG files
- ffmpeg: Play, record, convert, and stream audio and video
- fd: Simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to find
- exa: Modern replacement for 'ls'
- cloc: Statistics utility to count lines of code
- bat: Clone of cat(1) with syntax highlighting and Git integration
- z to jump over folder
- git short hand
- zsh-syntax-highlighting
- auto suggestions plugin
- zsh-aliases-exa
- fd