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Releases: alibaba/nacos (July 22th, 2024)

22 Jul 07:28
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This version is fast fix for two block issues #12387 and #12395 for 2.4.0, which might cause password can't be changed and can't create new users when not using MySQL database with new table structures.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: 2.4.0...

2.4.0 (July 19th, 2024)(Please use

19 Jul 06:34
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Please use first

This version is an important version which support many new features.

The most mainly feature is Nacos support maintainer to initialize the admin user nacos password instead of using default password to improve the default security for deploy nacos clusters.

One more thing is default disabled derby ops API to prevent false alarms regarding corresponding risks for users without authentication enabled when deploying in standalone mode. If maintainers want use this API to maintain and query data in derby, maintainers can use nacos.config.derby.ops.enabled=true to open this API.

And other mainly features are support TLS Grpc communication between Nacos cluster nodes as an optional feature to improve Nacos security, which means nacos not only support TLS communication between client and server; What's more, Nacos start to support user extend Selector before callback Subscriber for naming module, not only can select instance of services by healthy and clusters. And Nacos client support callback service diffs by new event to reduce Subscriber cache and compare logics.

Third mainly features are support some configs usages in Nacos console and support more enhancement usage for plugins, such as support add all metadata to prometheus sd protocol and support aliyun ram v4 signature.

In addition to substantial feature updates, this version also fixes some bugs from previous versions and upgrades certain dependencies with security vulnerabilities.

Detail see:


[#10374] Support naming custom selectors and support service diff events.
[#11456] Support TLS Grpc communication between Nacos cluster nodes.
[#11847] Nacos console support publish config with cas.
[#11943] Record users for import configs.
[#11957] Remove default password for user nacos.
[#12130] Add metadata as labels in prometheus http sd.
[#12162] Support aliyun ram v4 signature method.


[#11956] Refactor nacos client logging module, use SPI load current logger adapter.
[#12013] Enhance to fast config Nacos memory setting in by environment CUSTOM_NACOS_MEMORY.
[#12072] Support does not impose any limit when totalCountLimit is less than 0.
[#12166] Enhance nacos client init properties logger.
[#12177] Update console header link to new
[#12178] Add total record count display in pagination.
[#12185] Use nacos properties in CacheDirUtil.
[#12221] Remove the accessToken from the URL.
[#12235] Enhance logging format in the ResponseExceptionHandler.
[#12246] Internationalize the display of total counts in the configuration list and service list.
[#12321] Enhance log for unexpected exception from NetworkInterface.ifUp.
[#12355] Record the cost of ConfigDump in Prometheus.
[#12372] Disable derby ops api default.
[#12382] Support ram info switch.


[#10639] Fix the encrypted_data_key is text type so that old version can't upgrade directly.
[#11902] Fix leak of request and response for java native runtime for nacos-client.
[#11926] Fix Nacos can't triggle self protection when disk full in some OS.
[#11951] Fix the problem that the serviceName and groupName are not resolved correctly when deleting an empty service instance.
[#11967] Fix Config can't publish and listen when dataId contains some special words in Window OS.
[#11968] Fix Multiple config change plugin implementation configuration conflicts problem.
[#12022] Fix nacos datasource plugin ClassCastException problem.
[#12046] Fix cipher-aes config encrypt plugin not effect when publish config again.
[#12060] Fix too large ttl when auth disabled.
[#12146] Fix the operation type does not display when rolling back a configuration with a delete operation type.
[#12168] Fix the labels of the query conditions on the Permission Control - Role Management page are still displayed in Chinese after switching the system language to English.
[#12180] Fix the operator is not recorded during clone and import operations.
[#12196] Fix prometheus http sd invalid label names.
[#12207] Fix disk failover datasource not keep status.
[#12197] Add an id primary key column to both the roles and permissions tables.
[#12219] Fix ServerListManager in nacos-client fails to parse the endpoint in the config.
[#12253] Add endpoint cluster name for config & naming server list manager.
[#12265] Fix nacos client dependencies tree without grpc package.
[#12323] Fix nacos client logback configuration will override packagingData problem.
[#12333] Fix auth Plugin resource parser can't parser v2 config openAPI namespaceId.


[#11904] Bump Spring Security to 5.7.12.
[#11975] Remove unused dependency javatuple.
[#11980] Bump spring framework to 5.3.34.
[#12135] Upgrade module naocs-console from junit4 to junit5.
[#12369] Upgrade grpc to 1.64.2.

New Contributors From 2.4.0-BETA.

Full Changelog: 2.4.0-BETA...2.4.0

2.3.3 (Jun 25th, 2024) (client only)

25 Jun 02:30
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This version mainly fix one client block bug and support java agent parsing ram info switches.

The client block bug was introduced in client version 2.3.0, as detailed in ISSUE #10792. The intended change was to unify the address server addressing logic for both the registry and the configuration center and to support custom modification of the address server's path.

However, in a Spring Cloud environment, the clusterName parameter for discovery has a specific business significance: it denotes the clusterName attribute of the registered service instance. When users configure the clusterName attribute for service instances, it simultaneously alters the path used for addressing the address server.

This bug was primarily caused by the previous ambiguity in the Nacos Client's parameter naming definitions.

To resolve this issue, starting from version 2.3.3, parameters used for controlling the address server will be prefixed with "Endpoint". Specifically:

The clusterName parameter for endpoint will be renamed to endpointClusterName.
The clusterName attribute used by the registry for service instances will remain unchanged.

Previous Configuration:

Updated Configuration:

2.4.0-BETA (Jun 6th, 2024)

06 Jun 03:21
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This version is an important version which support many new features.

The most mainly feature is Nacos support maintainer to initialize the admin user nacos password instead of using default password to improve the default security for deploy nacos clusters.

And other mainly features are support TLS Grpc communication between Nacos cluster nodes as an optional feature to improve Nacos security, which means nacos not only support TLS communication between client and server; What's more, Nacos start to support user extend Selector before callback Subscriber for naming module, not only can select instance of services by healthy and clusters. And Nacos client support callback service diffs by new event to reduce Subscriber cache and compare logics.

Third mainly features are support some configs usages in Nacos console and support more enhancement usage for plugins, such as support add all metadata to prometheus sd protocol and support aliyun ram v4 signature.

In addition to substantial feature updates, this version also fixes some bugs from previous versions and upgrades certain dependencies with security vulnerabilities.

Detail see:


[#10374] Support naming custom selectors and support service diff events.
[#11456] Support TLS Grpc communication between Nacos cluster nodes.
[#11847] Nacos console support publish config with cas.
[#11943] Record users for import configs.
[#11957] Remove default password for user nacos.
[#12130] Add metadata as labels in prometheus http sd.
[#12162] Support aliyun ram v4 signature method.


[#11956] Refactor nacos client logging module, use SPI load current logger adapter.
[#12013] Enhance to fast config Nacos memory setting in by environment CUSTOM_NACOS_MEMORY.
[#12072] Support does not impose any limit when totalCountLimit is less than 0.
[#12166] Enhance nacos client init properties logger.
[#12177] Update console header link to new


[#10639] Fix the encrypted_data_key is text type so that old version can't upgrade directly.
[#11902] Fix leak of request and response for java native runtime for nacos-client.
[#11926] Fix Nacos can't triggle self protection when disk full in some OS.
[#11951] Fix the problem that the serviceName and groupName are not resolved correctly when deleting an empty service instance.
[#11967] Fix Config can't publish and listen when dataId contains some special words in Window OS.
[#11968] Fix Multiple config change plugin implementation configuration conflicts problem.
[#12022] Fix nacos datasource plugin ClassCastException problem.
[#12046] Fix cipher-aes config encrypt plugin not effect when publish config again.
[#12060] Fix too large ttl when auth disabled.
[#12146] Fix the operation type does not display when rolling back a configuration with a delete operation type.
[#12168] Fix the labels of the query conditions on the Permission Control - Role Management page are still displayed in Chinese after switching the system language to English.


[#11904] Bump Spring Security to 5.7.12.
[#11975] Remove unused dependency javatuple.
[#11980] Bump spring framework to 5.3.34.
[#12135] Upgrade module naocs-console from junit4 to junit5.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.3.2...2.4.0-BETA

2.3.2 (Apr 3rd, 2024)

03 Apr 06:29
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This version mainly fix #11880 issue, this issue will make nacos-server frequently push config to nacos-client 2.3.1 version even data no changed so that the client and server resource costs.

And at the same time, This version can fix other usage issues found in 2.3.1 and older version.

Detail see:


[#11752] Enhance contentPath configurable for AddressServerUrl.
[#11801] Refactor PageHandlerAdapterFactory.
[#11844][#11867][#11903] Refactor connection and client labels content.
[#11895] Enhance response for register service instance for non-connected connection.


[#11536] Fix failover triggered problem.
[#11821] Fix announcement api not limit path expression.
[#11835] Fix service removed after server restarted when service contain metadata.
[#11842] Fix response wrong status code for some API.
[#11843] Fix nacos/v2/ns/client/* API response data wrong for batch registered service.
[#11853] Fix nacos-client start failed for native GraalVM.
[#11880] Fix config module frequently push new config data even config no change.


[#11874] Bump mysql-connnector-java to 8.0.33
[#11811] Bump Spring Web to 5.3.33
[#11913] Bump console ui dependencies to solve security problem with audit fix.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2.3.1...2.3.2

2.3.1 (Mar 4, 2024)

04 Mar 06:20
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This version mainly do some Enhancement and bugfix for 2.3.0 to improve the usages and stability.

And From this version, Nacos support snowFlake to generate instance id again and usage is same with older version.

For console, this version add an new style of dark mode. Thanks for the community contributors.

Detail see:


[#9001] Support snowFlakeInstanceId by SPI.
[#11441][#11708] Add console UI Dark mode.


[#10846] Support metricsfor grpc server executor and grpc request.
[#11053] Enhance Nacos Client Failover Logic.
[#11306] Change the length of the field named resource from 255 to 128.
[#11514] Check server stream ready state to avoid bytebuffer back up in flow control pending write queue.
[#11518] Enhance the timed incremental reconciliation for configuration center.
[#11521] Add UT coverage for config module.
[#11526] Add service info log when client receive server push data.
[#11571] Fix Persistent services load snapshot will casue data inconsistent by thread safety.
[#11601] Enhance to remove check auth identity key and value for standalone mode.
[#11612] Unified use of NameThreadFactory to create thread pools.
[#11618] Add the config of max thread count for client worker & naming polling.
[#11658] Enhance dump configuration logic to reduce network traffic.
[#11695] Fix PreviousConfigHistory show encrypted configuration problem.
[#11670] Remove direct read logic for configuration center when starting with derby.


[#10752] Fix Prometheus sd api security is not compatiable with nacos original security configs.
[#11416] Fix connection count of current node is not accurate.
[#11459] Fix RowMapper is required problem in embedded storage with cluster.
[#11489] Fix PageHandlerAdapterFactory initHandlerAdapters error.
[#11493] Fix service name group check in nacos client.
[#11494] Fix Login api request frequently when disabled auth with 2.x client.
[#11497] Fix ClassCastException when nacos.plugin.datasource.log.enabled=true.
[#11499] Fix address server health check error.
[#11573][#11619][#11624][#11626] Fix default control plugin invalid problem.
[#11595] Fix user update permission problem.
[#11647] Fix logged raft-config always {} problem.
[#11654] Fix server don't send its abilities if client don't send its abilities when setting up connection.
[#11679] Fix totalpush count cannot increase when push fail.
[#11718] Fix ErrorCode have the same code.
[#11701] Fix BatchRegister service might cause distro sync handle exception and data delay after timeout.


[#11473] Upgrade logback to 1.2.13.
[#11586] Remove deprecated dependency api of spring security.
[#11422] Upgrade Jraft to 1.3.14.
[#11777] Upgrade console-ui dependencies by npm audit fix to fix some ui security.

1.4.7 (Jan 15th, 2024)

15 Jan 02:24
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What's Changed

  • [ISSUE #10787] Fixed the memory performance issue caused by the creat… by @wyt in #10937
  • [ISSUE #11132]feat: Add a rolling deletion strategy to solve the hidden danger of unlimited number of log files by @FeiXiangDouLi in #11189
  • fix: 修复配置文件监听器异常信息打印会出现null的问题 by @hczs in #11425
  • fix:Port modification in the configuration file does not take effect … by @DiligenceLai in #11524
  • Upgrade to 1.4.7 & add new property to support agent situation. by @KomachiSion in #11644

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 1.4.6...1.4.7

2.3.0 (Nov 30, 2023)

30 Nov 03:49
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This version is mainly based on 2.3.0-BETA and has been partially optimized and repaired after more than a month of testing.

The mainly changes same with 2.3.0-BETA, can review the changelogs of 2.3.0-BETA.

Additional, 2.3.0 version support register and deregister persistent instance by Grpc based on ability negotiations feature in 2.3.0-BETA.

And other additional changes focus on enhancements and bugs fix.

Detail see:


[#11393] Support register or deregister persistent instance by grpc.


[#11275] Enhance console ui deploy, show more information like mode.
[#11298] Strip groupNamePrefix of instance serviceName at register or deregister.
[#11310] Simplify the validate method for serviceinfo.
[#11342] Simplify BatchDeregister instances conditions to ip and port.
[#11343] Simplified parameters checker control logic.
[#11352] Refactor topN logic to enhance memory usage and accuracy.


[#10353] Handling DataIntegrityViolationException and DuplicateKeyException together.
[#11299] Fix console ui auth pagination failure.
[#11382] Fix console ui listening query pagination failure.
[#11384] Fix console ui comparing configuration failure.
[#11390] Fix Config EncryptionPluginService order problem.
[#11442] Fix listen configuration check failed without namespace.


[#11216] Declare httpcore as direct dependency to fix avoid conflict.
[#11396] Upgrade jackson same with spring boot dependency.
[#11439] Upgrade some UI component to solve security problem.

2.3.0-BETA (Oct 19, 2023)

19 Oct 03:45
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This version is an important version which include some large changes, so release this pre-release beta version first.

The first main change is support config change hook plugin and control plugin, which it can be extend to pre-check config reformat, change audit, capacity limits, antifragility and notify changes according users need.

The second main change is do many refactor for datasource plugin and module loader. One is make plugin can support more datasource easier and the other will make some user can only open one of feature to save more memory.

The third main change is to support ability negotiations between server and clients, which is an important feature to make nacos smoother compatibility with subsequent features.

The other important changes include: validate most of request parameters, support ssl for grpc connection, many usage enhancement for console ui and bug fix.

Detail see:


[#5698] Support nacos control plugin.
[#8458] Support ability negotiations between server and clients.
[#8460] Support config change hook plugin.
[#10117] Support metrics for nacos client request server exception.
[#10150] Support SSL for grpc connection.
[#10223] Support auto build instance id when client request instance id is null.
[#10288] Support get more module state and switches in console.
[#10734] Support validate most of request parameters.
[#10774] Support toml format for configuration in console ui.
[#10831] Support batch deregister instances for service.
[#10971] Support disable console ui and support add guide information.


[#6819] Add page size selector in service details page.
[#8107][#9109][#10169][#10176] Enhance hint when console ui session expired for default auth plugin.
[#9085] Add the Reachability Metadata required by native-image.
[#9821] Enhance datasource plugin to make more datasource implementation easier.
[#9881] Enhance configuration page to supports folding when editing configuration.
[#10067] Enhance Windows compatibility for configuration snapshot.
[#10155] Enhance hints for grpc request when request timeout.
[#10343] Use CMS as default GC when jdk less 9.
[#10361] Refactor module switches to make only load specified module but not only close in console ui.
[#10520] Validate for namespace show name when create new namespace.
[#10521] Enhance the hints for No DataSourceSet error by validate datasource after construction.
[#10539] Enhance logs when opeation configuration failed.
[#10730] Link to v2 document for console ui.
[#10811] Enhance compatibility for colorful service healthy status in console ui.
[#10891] Support setting maximum number of push retries.
[#10930] Forward compatible old version secretKey for default auth plugin.
[#11129] Remove the namespace information from the node list page.
[#11231] Optimize the handleSpringBinder method in PropertiesUtil.


[#10056] Fix loss revision of client for distro sync.
[#10128] Fix wrong judgement in raft stateMachine.
[#10149] Fix dead lock on sending connection reset request on server over limit.
[#10271] Fix nacos-client failover switch file path.
[#10318] Fix import configuration problem.
[#10347] Fix only admin role user can register service into default namespace when enabled default auth plugin.
[#10406] Fix jraft install leader snapshot error after disconnection.
[#10427] Fix nacos client no response when handle server request with exception.
[#10464] Fix NPE when concurrent operations for client.
[#10470] Fix some missed i18n for console ui.
[#10509] Fix out data connection not be disconnect problem.
[#10548] Fix switch domain might not load snapshot after restart.
[#10556] Fix index loss for client and service in extreme scenarios.
[#10583] Fix some new API loss auth check.
[#10585] Fix selectInstances and selectOneHealthyInstance methods will not subscribe service problem.
[#10593] Fix invalid create file: dir under nacos.home.
[#10598] Fix nacos-client not random get server address when using address.
[#10606] Fix memory leak for nacos client when user create and shutdown client frequently.
[#10657] Fix NPE when using derby datasource for cluster mode.
[#10935] Fix startsWith judgement wrong when ignoreCase is true.
[#11056] Fix Batch register count size wrong, when batch register sereval time.
[#11059] Fix RPC_CLIENT_TLS_PROTOCOLS setting error.
[#11192] Fix batchRegisterInstance not recalculate revision prblem.
[#11197] Fix frequent do query service when hit protect empty.


[#7698] Remove httpasyncclient version dependency management to avoid version conflicts.
[#10416] Upgrade console yaml editor.
[#10648] Optimize Guava Dependency.
[#10893] Upgrade spring boot to 2.7.15.
[#11199] Upgrade grpc version to 1.57.2.

2.2.4 (June 20th, 2023) (Client Only)

20 Jun 08:07
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This release only include client part, the server part is same as 2.2.3, please directly use 2.2.3 version server.

In this release, nacos client fix leak of memory and OOM problem in some extremely rare usage and situation:

  1. Frequently create new ConfigService and shutdown old one in Application [#10555].
  2. Frequently create new NamingService and shutdown old one in Application [#10606].
  3. Frequently publish new config by ConfigService in Application [#10471].

If no these extremely rare situation, the old version still no risk.

And for other situation, If use the addressServer to find out the nacos server addresses. One Enhancement to loadbalance the grpc connection in this release: #10598 to random the first choice server address of nacos.