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Configuration Credentials

Denis Garus edited this page Nov 22, 2023 · 9 revisions

Credentials and policy

Credentials section in main Artipie configuration allows to set four various credentials sources: yaml files with users' info, GitHub accounts, user from environment and Keycloak authorization. Here is the example of the full credentials section:

    - type: artipie
        type: fs
        path: /tmp/artipie/security
    - type: github
    - type: env
    - type: keycloak
      url: http://localhost:8080
      realm: realm_name
      client-id: client_application_id
      client-password: client_application_password
    type: artipie
      type: fs
      path: /tmp/artipie/security

Each item of credentials list has only one required field - type, which determines the type of authentication:

  • artipie stands for auth by credentials from YAML files from specified storage. Storage configuration is required only if artipie policy is not set
  • github is for auth via GitHub
  • env authenticates by credentials from environment
  • keycloak is for auth via Keycloak

When several credentials types are set, Artipie tries to authorize user via each method.

Policy section is responsible for access permissions and the only supported type out of the box for now is artipie. If policy section is absent, access to any repository is allowed for any authenticated user.

Credentials type artipie

If the type is set to artipie, configured credentials storage is expected to have the following structure:

├── users
│   ├── david.yaml
│   ├── jane.yaml
│   ├── Alice.yml
│   ├── ...

where the name of the file is the name of the user (case-sensitive), both yml and yaml extensions are supported. File content should have the following structure:

type: plain # plain and sha256 types are supported
pass: qwerty
email: # Optional
enabled: true # optional default true

where type is password format: plain and sha256 types are supported. Required fields for each user are type and pass. If type is sha256, then SHA-256 checksum of the password is expected in the pass field.

email field is optional, the email is not actually used anywhere for now.

enabled field is optional, if set to false user is considered as deactivated and is not authenticated.

User info file can also describe user roles and permissions, check policy documentation for more details.

Credentials type github

If the type is set to github, GitHub username with prefix{username} and personal access token can be used to log in into Artipie service. GitHub token can be obtained in the section "Developer settings" of personal settings page.

Credentials type env

If the type is set to env, the following environment variables are expected: ARTIPIE_USER_NAME and ARTIPIE_USER_PASS. For example, you start Docker container with the -e option:

docker run -d -v /var/artipie:/var/artipie` -p 80:80 \
  -e ARTIPIE_USER_NAME=artipie -e ARTIPIE_USER_PASS=qwerty \

Authentication from environment allows adding only one user and is meant for tests or try-it-out purposes only.

Credentials type keycloak

If the 'type' is set to keycloak, the following Yaml attributes are required:

  • url Keycloak authentication server url.
  • realm Keycloak realm.
  • client-id Keycloak client application id.
  • client-password Keycloak client application password.


    - type: keycloak
      url: http://localhost:8080
      realm: demorealm
      client-id: demoapp
      client-password: secret

To interact with Keycloak server the Artipie uses Direct Access Grants authentication flow and directly requests user login and password. Artipie acts as Keycloak client application and should be configured in Keycloak with following settings:

  • Client authentication: On
  • Authorization: On
  • Authentication flow: Direct access grants

Custom authentication

Artipie allows implementing and using custom authentication (credentials type). To be more precise, you can choose any way to authenticate users you like, implement it in Java and use in Artipie. To do so:

  • Add http module to your project dependencies.
  • Implement Authentication interface to verify and obtain users the way you need. Note, that authenticated users are cached on the upper level, so, there is no need to worry about caching in your implementation.
  • Implement factory for new authentication and add factory annotation with authentication type name. As an example, check KeycloakFactory.
  • Add your package to Artipie class-path and to AUTH_FACTORY_SCAN_PACKAGES environment variable
  • Specify your authentication type in the credentials list. Note, that Artipie tries to authenticate user via each listed type. So, if you are not actually using any auth type it would be better to remove it from the settings.

For more details and examples, check the following packages: com.artipie.http.auth and com.artipie.auth.

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