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Alena edited this page Mar 31, 2023 · 6 revisions



HexPM repository is the package manager for Elixir and Erlang packages. Here is the configuration example for HexPM repository:

# my_hexpm.yaml file
  type: hexpm
    type: fs
    path: /var/artipie/data/

Repository name is the name of the repo config yaml file(e.g. my_hexpm). Check storage documentation to learn more about storage settings.

To use your HexPM repository in Elixir project with mix build tool, add the following configuration into mix.exs project file (alternatively configure it via mix hex.config or system environment):

# mix.exs file
  def project() do
      # ...
      deps: deps(),
      hex: hex()
  defp deps do
      {:my_artifact, "~> 1.0.0", repo: "my_hexpm"}

  defp hex() do
      unsafe_registry: true,
      no_verify_repo_origin: true

You must add repo to hex, that is directed to your HexPM repository(e.g. name is my_hexpm) with the next command:

mix hex.repo add <repo_name> http://<artipie_host>:<artipie_port>/<repo_name>
mix hex.repo add my_hexpm http://artipie:8080/my_hexpm

To verify that repo has been added, use the following command:

mix hex.repo list

Fetch dependency

  1. To download a package(e.g. my_artifact with version 1.0.0) from my_hexpm you can use the command:
mix hex.package fetch <artifact_name> <version> --repo=<repo_name>
mix hex.package fetch my_artifact 1.0.0 --repo=my_hexpm
  1. For fetching all dependencies, you can add dependencies in deps function in mix.exs:
# mix.exs file
    def project() do
      # ...
      deps: deps()

  defp deps do
      {:my_first_artifact, "~> 1.0.1", repo: "my_hexpm"},
      {:my_second_artifact, "~> 2.2.0", repo: "my_hexpm"}

and use the following command:

mix deps.get

Upload dependency

  1. Via rest api

You can create tar archive of your mix project with the next command:


If you have completed tar archive, you can upload it to your HexPM repository with the next command:

curl -X POST --data-binary "@<path_to_tar>/<tar>" http://<artipie_host>:<artipie_port>/<repo_name>/publish?replace=false
curl -X POST --data-binary "@./decimal-2.0.0.tar" http://artipie:8080/my_hexpm/publish?replace=false

If version already exist in your HexPM repository, and you want to replace it, use true in query param replace:

curl -X POST --data-binary "@<path_to_tar>/<tar>" http://<artipie_host>:<artipie_port>/<repo_name>/publish?replace=true
  1. Publish via mix
⚠ Note
To run this command you need to have an authenticated user on your local machine, run mix hex.user register to register or mix hex.user auth to authenticate with an existing user, if you already have account at hexpm.

For publish package in your HexPM repository you must change api_url in mix.exs file:

# mix.exs file
  def project() do
      # ...
      hex: hex()
  defp hex() do
      api_url: "http://<artipie_host>:<artipie_port>/<repo_name>"

You can also override it with an environment variable(HEX_API_URL) or with mix hex.config.

Then you can use the following command to publish artifact of your mix project:

mix hex.publish package

If version already exist in your HexPM repository, and you want to replace it, add --replace to command:

mix hex.publish package --replace