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Alena edited this page Mar 31, 2023 · 6 revisions


Anaconda is a general purpose software repository for Python and other (R, Ruby, Lua, Scala, Java, JavaScript, C/C++, FORTRAN) packages and utilities, repository short name is conda:

  type: conda
  url: http://{host}:{port}/{repository-name}
    type: fs
    path: /var/artipie/my-conda

Configuration requires url field that contains repository full URL, {host} and {port} are Artipie service host and port, {repository-name} is the name of the repository (and repository name is the name of the repo config yaml file). Anaconda client does not work without authentication and uses tokens to authorize users. Artipie provides JWT tokens for anaconda client, the token can obtained automatically with anaconda login command or using Artipie Rest API POST /api/v1/oauth/token request. Note, that anaconda logout command only removes token from local machine, not from Artipie.

To use Artipie repository with conda command-line tool, add the repository to conda channels settings to /root/.condarc file (check documentation for more details):

  - http://{host}:{port}/{repository-name}

To install package from the repository, use conda install:

conda install -y my-package

Set Artipie repository url for upload to anaconda config and enable automatic upload after building package:

anaconda config --set url "http://{host}:{port}/{repository-name}" -s
conda config --set anaconda_upload yes

To build and upload the package, login with anaconda login first and the then call conda build (the command will build and upload the package to repository):

anaconda login --useermane alice --password wanderland
conda build /examle/my-project

In the examples above {host} and {port} are Artipie service host and port, {repository-name} is the name of the repository (and repository name is the name of the repo config yaml file).