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pypi proxy

Evgeny Chugunnyy (John) edited this page Feb 14, 2024 · 7 revisions

PyPI Proxy

PyPI proxy repository will proxy all the requests to configured remote and store all the downloaded packages into configured storage:

  type: pypi-proxy
    type: fs
    path: /var/artipie/data
  http_client: # optional, settings for the HttpClient that will be used in xxx-proxy repositories
    connection_timeout: 25000 # optional, default 15000 ms 
    idle_timeout: 500 # optional, default 0
    trust_all: true # optional, default false
    follow_redirects: true # optional, default true
    http3: true # optional, default false
    jks: # optional
      path: /var/artipie/keystore.jks
      password: secret
      - url:
      - url:
        # the HTTP "Basic" authentication defined in RFC 2617
        realm: user_realm # if this field is defined, then `username` and `password` are mandatory
        username: user_name
        password: user_password
    - url:
      username: alice
      password: 123

In the settings remotes section should have one url item, where username and password are optional credentials for remote. Provided storage is used as caching feature and makes all previously accessed indexes and packages available when remote repository is down. Check storage documentations to learn more about storage properties.

To install the package with pip install specify Artipie repository url with --index-url option:

$ pip install --index-url http://{username}:{password}@{host}:{port}/{repository-name} my-project

In the examples above {host} and {port} are Artipie service host and port, {repository-name} is the name of the proxy repository (and repository name is the name of the repo config yaml file), username and password are credentials of Artipie user.