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jfr events

Aleksei Borodin edited this page Jan 27, 2023 · 2 revisions

Artipie`s Java Flight Recorder Events

Java Flight Recorder (JFR) is a tool for collecting diagnostic and profiling data about a running Java application. It is integrated into the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and causes almost no performance overhead, so it can be used even in heavily loaded production environments. When default settings are used, both internal testing and customer feedback indicate that performance impact is less than one percent. For some applications, it can be significantly lower. However, for short-running applications (which are not the kind of applications running in production environments), relative startup and warmup times can be larger, which might impact the performance by more than one percent. JFR collects data about the JVM as well as the Java application running on it.
To get more information about JFR, please read Oracle's Guide.

Artipie`s Events

Artipie generates the following events:


Label: Slice Response
Description: Event triggered when Artipie processes an HTTP request
Category: Artipie

Attribute Type Label
startTime long Start Time (Timestamp)
duration long Duration (Timespan)
endTime long End Time (Timestamp)
eventThread String Event Thread
method String Request Method
path String Request Path
headers String Headers
requestChunks int Request Body Chunks Count
requestSize long Request Body Value Size
responseChunks int Response Body Chunks Count
responseSize long Response Body Value Size


Label: Storage Create
Description: Event triggered when storage is created
Category: Artipie, Storage

Attribute Type Label
startTime long Start Time (Timestamp)
duration long Duration (Timespan)
endTime long End Time (Timestamp)
eventThread String Event Thread
storage String Storage Identifier


Label: Storage Save
Description: Save value to a storage
Category: Artipie, Storage

Attribute Type Label
startTime long Start Time (Timestamp)
duration long Duration (Timespan)
endTime long End Time (Timestamp)
eventThread String Event Thread
storage String Storage Identifier
key String Key
chunks int Chunks Count
size long Value Size


Label: Storage Exists
Description: Does a record with this key exist?
Category: Artipie, Storage

Attribute Type Label
startTime long Start Time (Timestamp)
duration long Duration (Timespan)
endTime long End Time (Timestamp)
eventThread String Event Thread
storage String Storage Identifier
key String Key


Label: Storage Get
Description: Get value from a storage
Category: Artipie, Storage

Attribute Type Label
startTime long Start Time (Timestamp)
duration long Duration (Timespan)
endTime long End Time (Timestamp)
eventThread String Event Thread
storage String Storage Identifier
key String Key
chunks int Chunks Count
size long Value Size


Label: Storage Delete
Description: Delete value from a storage
Category: Artipie, Storage

Attribute Type Label
startTime long Start Time (Timestamp)
duration long Duration (Timespan)
endTime long End Time (Timestamp)
eventThread String Event Thread
storage String Storage Identifier
key String Key


Label: Storage Delete All
Description: Delete all values with key prefix from a storage
Category: Artipie, Storage

Attribute Type Label
startTime long Start Time (Timestamp)
duration long Duration (Timespan)
endTime long End Time (Timestamp)
eventThread String Event Thread
storage String Storage Identifier
key String Key


Label: Storage Move
Description: Move value from one location to another
Category: Artipie, Storage

Attribute Type Label
startTime long Start Time (Timestamp)
duration long Duration (Timespan)
endTime long End Time (Timestamp)
eventThread String Event Thread
storage String Storage Identifier
key String Key
target String Target Key


Label: Storage List
Description: Get the list of keys that start with this prefix
Category: Artipie, Storage

Attribute Type Label
startTime long Start Time (Timestamp)
duration long Duration (Timespan)
endTime long End Time (Timestamp)
eventThread String Event Thread
storage String Storage Identifier
key String Key
keysCount String Key


Label: Storage Metadata
Description: Get content metadata
Category: Artipie, Storage

Attribute Type Label
startTime long Start Time (Timestamp)
duration long Duration (Timespan)
endTime long End Time (Timestamp)
eventThread String Event Thread
storage String Storage Identifier
key String Key


Label: Storage Exclusively
Description: Runs operation exclusively for specified key
Category: Artipie, Storage

Attribute Type Label
startTime long Start Time (Timestamp)
duration long Duration (Timespan)
endTime long End Time (Timestamp)
eventThread String Event Thread
storage String Storage Identifier
key String Key

Start docker container with JFR

Artipie's docker image provides the environment variable JVM_ARGS which can be used to start and configure a recording from the command line options. For example:

docker run -it \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -p 8086:8086 \
    -e JVM_ARGS="-XX:StartFlightRecording:filename=/var/artipie/prof_01.jfr" \
    -v /Users/username/artipie/jfr:/var/artipie \

It'll start a new Docker container with latest Artipie version, the command includes mapping of two ports: on port 8080 repositories are served and on port 8086 Artipie Rest API and Swagger documentation is provided. The environment variable JVM_ARGS defines the -XX:StartFlightRecording option of the java command, when starting the application. Recording will save data to the file /var/artipie/prof_01.jfr. To persist this file on the machine that hosted container, we should define a docker volume using key -v.

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