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file proxy mirror

Evgeny Chugunnyy (John) edited this page Feb 14, 2024 · 5 revisions

File proxy (mirror)

File proxy or mirror is a general purpose files mirror. It acts like a transparent HTTP proxy for one host and caches all the data locally. To configure it use file-proxy repository type with required remotes section which should include one remote configuration. Each remote config must provide url for remote file server and optional username and password for authentication. Proxy is a read-only repository, nobody can upload to it. Storage can be configured for caching capabilities.


  type: file-proxy
  storage: # optional storage to cache proxy data
    type: fs
    path: tmp/files-proxy/data
  http_client: # optional, settings for the HttpClient that will be used in xxx-proxy repositories
    connection_timeout: 25000 # optional, default 15000 ms 
    idle_timeout: 500 # optional, default 0
    trust_all: true # optional, default false
    follow_redirects: true # optional, default true
    http3: true # optional, default false
    jks: # optional
      path: /var/artipie/keystore.jks
      password: secret
      - url:
      - url:
        # the HTTP "Basic" authentication defined in RFC 2617
        realm: user_realm # if this field is defined, then `username` and `password` are mandatory
        username: user_name
        password: user_password
    - url: ""
      username: "alice" # optional username
      password: "qwerty" # optional password

In order to download a file, send a GET HTTP request:

curl -X GET http://{host}:{port}/{repository-name}/test.txt

where {host} and {port} Artipie service host and port, {repository-name} is the name of repository. Files proxy repository will proxy the request to remote, cache data in storage (if configured) and return the result.