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Configuration Metadata

Evgeny Chugunnyy (John) edited this page Feb 14, 2024 · 2 revisions

Artifacts metadata

Artipie can gather uploaded artifacts metadata and write them into SQLite database. To enable this mechanism, add the following section into Artipie main configuration file:

    sqlite_data_file_path: /var/artipie/artifacts.db
    threads_count: 2 # optional, default 1
    interval_seconds: 3 # optional, default 1

The essential here is artifacts_database section, other fields are optional. If sqlite_data_file_path field is absent, a database file will be created at the parent location (directory) of the main configuration file. The metadata gathering mechanism uses quartz scheduler to process artifacts metadata under the hood. Quartz can be configured separately, by default it uses org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool with 10 threads. If threads_count is larger than thread pool size, threads amount is limited to the thread pool size.

The database has only one table artifacts with the following structure:

Name Type Description
id int Unique identification, primary key
repo_type char(10) Repository type (maven, docker, npm etc)
repo_name char(20) Repository name
name varchar Artifact full name
version varchar Artifact version
size bigint Artifact size in bytes
created_date datetime Date uploaded
owner varchar Artifact uploader login

All the fields are not null, unique constraint is created on repo_name, name and version.

Maven, NPM and PyPI proxy adapters

Maven-proxy, npm-proxy and python-proxy have some extra mechanism to process uploaded artifacts from origin repositories. Generally, the mechanism is a quartz job which verifies uploaded and saved to cache storage artifacts and adds metadata common mechanism and database. Proxy adapters metadata gathering is enabled when artifacts database is enabled and proxy repository storage is configured. It's possible to configure threads_count and interval_seconds for Maven-proxy, npm-proxy and python-proxy repositories individually. Just add these fields into the repository setting file, for example:

  type: maven-proxy
    type: fs
    path: /tmp/artipie/maven-central-cache
  threads_count: 3 # optional, default 1
  interval_seconds: 5 # optional, default 1