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Event Orphan

Chris Carlevato edited this page Mar 27, 2017 · 1 revision

Helios Calendar allows for easy management of Categories and Locations separate from events. While this provides the advantage of updating a category or location once and having those changes applied to all associated events if a category or location is deleted it can produce what we refer to as an Orphan Event.

Orphan Events are events that are missing location information (i.e. their Saved Location was deleted) or not assigned to any active categories (i.e. their only category was deleted). The Orphan Event list provides an easy means to identify these types of events and address them by adding category & location information or deleting the event if it is no longer needed.

Managing Orphan Events

Orphan Events are listed in order by date, with the earliest events first. Each event Title is listed along with the Event Date, what the event is missing (Category/Location) and aside each event are two icons and a checkbox.

  • Edit Event - Click this icon to edit the event and manage it's category assignment setting.
  • Delete Event - Click this icon to delete the event and remove it from the calendar.
  • Checkbox - Select the event(s) to delete by checking the checkbox beside each event you wish to delete. Once you have selected the events to delete click the “Delete Selected Events” button at the bottom of the screen to delete them.

Note: Deleting events removes them from the public calendar but does not purge their data from the database. To permanently remove deleted data from the database use the Database Management tool to purge deleted data and optimize tables.

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