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Theme Upgrade Proofing

Chris Carlevato edited this page Mar 27, 2017 · 1 revision


When creating a theme for the first time you can duplicate an existing theme and rename it with a unique name. By creating a custom name (directory) for your theme it will ensure that it cannot be overwritten by the default themes accidentally when upgrading, preserving your design customizations.


Compartmentalize hacks by adding them within your custom theme(s). By extending (or replacing) core functions & functionality with custom hacks within your theme it will ensure these modified files are not overwritten when upgrading.


When creating custom data storage within the Helios Calendar database for your themes/hacks it is recommended to create new tables to store custom data. Modifying the core database schema can have unintended impact on the database upgrade script. By preserving the default schema, and supplementing it with custom tables, the upgrade script will be able to apply future updates in a uniform manner.

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