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Event Recycling

Chris Carlevato edited this page Mar 27, 2017 · 1 revision

Recycling vs Editing

It's important to note that recycling an event is different from editing it. When an event is edited changes are applied to the original event(s) when saved. When an event is recycled a new event, or event series, is created based on the event being recycled.

When an event is recycled the original event is left unchanged.

Event Search

  • Search Dates - Required. The date range to be searched.
  • Search Keywords - Optional. Supports Event Search operators. Results will be limited to only events having the search criteria in their Title or Description.
  • Location Options - Optional. Filter search results by Location (individual), City, Region (State/Province/Localized Equivalent) or Zip Code (Postal Code/Postcode/Localized Equivalent).
  • Categories - Required. Filter search results by category. Only events assigned to selected categories will be returned.
  • Users - Optional. Search for events by Public User.
  • Search Event Series - Selecting this option will limit returned results to only Event Series. Results will include the next active occurrence of each series present in the results.

Event Recycle Search Results

Search results are sorted by date and event time. The tools provided with search results will vary depending on the Search Event Series setting chosen when conducting the search.

All Event Search (Search Event Series Disabled)

  • Edit Event - Click this icon to edit the event.
  • Edit Event in New Window - Click this icon to edit the event in a new window. This will preserve your search results so you can close the new window when done editing the event and return to the search results.
  • Recycle Event - Click this icon to recycle the event and create a new event, or event series, from the event.
  • Checkbox - To edit a group of events together select the checkbox beside each event you wish to edit and click the “Edit Selected Events As A Group” button at the bottom of the screen. This will allow you to make the same change(s) to multiple events at one time.

Note: Recycle Event is only available when searching all events.

Recycling Events

Once you have made your selection for the event you wish to recycle you can edit any of the following event information.

Default Values

Most form inputs will default to the values of the event being recycled. An exception to this is the Billboard setting. All recycled events will default to “Do Not Show on Billboard”. To add the new event (or series) to the Billboard simply adjust this setting before saving the event.

API Publishing Options

Because recycling an event creates a new event, or series, API publishing data for the original event will not be displayed when recycling the event. To see this data edit the original event.


To flag the event for follow-up, and add it to the Follow-Up Items Report, click the Flag for Follow-Up Quick Link. When an event is flagged for follow-up admin users can, optionally, include a notes for reference when editing the event in the future.

Event Details

  • Title - The title of the event. This is displayed in event browse as the link users will click to read the full event listing.
  • Description - A description of the event. This can include HTML source, media (images/video) and formatting created using the tools available in TinyMCE.
  • Cost - A plain text description of the cost to attend the event. Examples of valid input include:
  • $5.00 - A standard (USD) price description.
  • $5.00 in Advance $10.00 Day of Event - A custom (variable) price description.
  • 1 Paperback Book Donation - A custom donation fee.
  • Image URL: - URL of dedicated event image. Requires theme support.

Date & Time

  • Event Date - The date on which the event occurs. (Serves as the Start Date for a recurring event Event Series).
  • Start Time & End Time Time when the event begins and ends. Event time is optional and may include Start Time and End Time, Start Time Only, No Times (All Day Event) and No Times (Time To Be Determined).
  • No End Time: Optional setting, disables End Time. Start Time will be listed for the event.
  • Override Times: Optional setting, disables Start & End Times (All Day or TBA selection required).
  • Recurrence - Check this checkbox if you wish to create a recurring event. This will activate the recurrence options and allow you to enter your recurrence criteria.

Recurrence Options

Helios Calendar offers a variety of recurrence settings to make adding your recurring (multiple date) event easier.

  • Daily
  • Every X Days (The daily interval the event should recur.)
  • All Weekdays (Every weekday, Monday - Friday, between the Start and End Dates.)
  • Weekly - Select the days of the week, and weekly interval, the event should recur.
  • Monthly
  • Day X of every X month(s) (Select the numeric day of the month, and monthly interval, the event should recur.)
  • Interval Day of every X month(s) (Select the Interval; First, Second, Third, etc. and Day; Sun-Sat, and monthly interval that the event should recur.)
  • Recurs Until - The last date you want the event to be added for. This will serve as the End Date of the event.

To confirm that your recurrence settings will match all the desired dates click “Click Here to Confirm Dates” and Helios will generate a list of dates the current recurrence will add the event for.


Helios Calendar supports two types of event registration. Depending on which setting you select for “Registration” additional options will be available.

  • Registration - Activate registration for the event by selecting the type you wish to use.
  • Use Helios Calendar RSVP - Use Helios' native RSVP system for the event.
  • Use Eventbrite for Registration - Enables Eventbrite API submission for the event. (Additional input required for Eventbrite submission, see notes below).

Helios Calendar RSVP

When Registration is set to RSVP for an event users will have the option of completing a form to “register” for the event. After completing the RSVP form their contact information will be stored for review/editing within the Helios Calendar admin console (accessible by admin users when editing the event). Additionally an email RSVP, containing their submitted contact information, can be emailed to the Event Contact and a full roster of RSVPs, in CSV format, can be downloaded from within the user's public calendar account (when the user is signed in while submitting the event).

  • Limit - Spaces available for the event.
  • Allow Between - The “open” and “close” dates for RSVP window. Between these dates RSVPs will be accepted.
  • RSVP Type - The type of RSVP to accept.
  • Events - RSVP for each event individually (default for single date events).
  • Series - RSVP submitted for any event in the series will apply to the entire series.
  • Email Notices - Turn email notices for new RSVPs on/off for the event/series.


  • Status - Controls the event's visibility within the public calendar.
  • Approved - Adds the event immediately to the public calendar once the event is saved.
  • Pending - Holds event in the Pending Events Queue so it can be reviewed and updated to Approved at a later time.
  • Billboard - The Billboard is Helios' list of featured events. This setting will allow you to add the event(s) to the billboard list of featured events.
  • Featured - Features the event within the public calendar event browse list for the day the event occurs.
  • Hide After - Number of days after the event occurs for it's details page expires metadata to “hide” the event from search engines.
  • Categories - Event Categories are used to organize events of similar type. An event's category assignment will impact how users access events through RSS Feeds, the Public Calendar Filter, Newsletter and Event Search. Available categories can be edited in the admin console Category Management.

Location Information

Selecting a saved location allows for easy updating of event location information as well as including additional location related information not available in the standard event location form including an embedded Google Map, Description, Website Address, Phone Number, etc.

The available location selection option will depend on the current Location Selection setting within the admin console Preferences.

Note: Saved Location selection options consist of all locations available within the Location Manager. When a Saved Location is selected the Custom Location fields within this form will be hidden. To reset the Location Search and restore the Custom Location Fields click the “Clear Search” link (Name Search) or select the blank location option (Select List).

Saved Location Selection

  • Name Search - Enter the name of the location you are searching for. Results will appear after four (4) or more characters have been entered.


  • Select List - Select the event location from the provided list of locations.

Custom Location Fields

  • Name - Name of the location.
  • Address (Two Fields) - Street address of the location, including optional second line for Apt, Suite, etc.
  • City - City the location is in.
  • State - Region the location is in. (State/Province/Localized Equivalent).
  • Zip Code - Zip code the location is in. (Postal Code/Postcode/Localized Equivalent)
  • Country - Country the location is in.

Note: Depending on the active language pack settings these fields may be labeled and ordered differently. The list above is for the default format. More information about Localization is available here.

Contact Info

  • Name - Full name of the event contact.
  • Email - Email address of the event contact. (RSVP Details Sent Here).
  • Phone - Phone number to reach the event contact.
  • Website - Website URL (link) of the event contact.

The Event Contact is the recipient of RSVP contact information when Helios Calendar RSVP is turned on for the event.

API Publishing Options

When their API settings have been configured this section will contain options to use various third party APIs.

  • Reference API Publishing for a detailed overview of how third party APIs are used in publishing events.
  • Reference API Settings for more information about configuring third party API settings.

Saving Your Changes

When you have finished click the “Save Event” button to create your new event, or event series.

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