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This vim configuration is forked from zaiste's, and enhanced clang and python support.

Kick-ass Vim configuration framework, built on top of awesome Vundle.

ctrlp view

How to install

First of all, you need to remove your .vim and .vimrc in your home path.

For lazy people

Copy/Paste this line in your CLI:

curl -L | sh

For those who actually care about what is done

Grab the project:

git clone git:// .vim
cd .vim

Create required directories:

mkdir bundle
mkdir -p tmp/backup tmp/swap tmp/undo

Set up Vundle:

git clone bundle/vundle

Set up your local.vimrc file with packages you want:

echo "let g:vimified_packages = ['general', 'coding', 'clojure', 'color']" > local.vimrc

Install plugins:

vim +BundleInstall +qall

Some plugins have requirements need install manualy, they are:

  • ag
  • YouCompleteMe
  • hammer.vim

Their install guilds can be found on their github projects.



You can overwrite default configuration and key bindings by using one of following files:

~/.vim/before.vimrc will be loaded before everything else.

~/.vim/extra.vimrc will be loaded after Vundle is initialized and before Vimified settings take place. The idea was so people could add Bundle lines without having to worry about conflicts in vimrc when pulling. Read More.

~/.vim/after.vimrc will be loaded after all configuration options are set. This is the best place to change vimified default behaviour (key bindings) and/or color scheme.


Inside your local configuration file $HOME/.vim/local.vimrc set g:vimified_packages variable with packages you want to use.

For example, if you are only interested in Ruby/Rails related stuff, put something like the following line inside $HOME/.vim/local.vimrc:

let g:vimified_packages = ['general', 'coding', 'ruby', 'color']

Available packages:

  • general
  • fancy
  • indent
  • os
  • coding
  • python
  • clang
  • ruby
  • html
  • css
  • js
  • clojure
  • haskell
  • elixir
  • color


EditorConfig plugin for Vim.

Vim plugin for the_silver_searcher, 'ag', a replacement for the Perl module / CLI script 'ack'

Command: ,a

vim, your markup language of choice, and your browser of choice.

Command: ,p

Clone of the Align.vba file, since I think VBA files are a freaking abomination.

endwise.vim: wisely add "end" in ruby, endfunction/endif/more in vim script, etc

repeat.vim: enable repeating supported plugin maps with "."

speeddating.vim: use CTRL-A/CTRL-X to increment dates, times, and more

surround.vim: quoting/parenthesizing made simple

unimpaired.vim: pairs of handy bracket mappings, very usefull to jump between buffers, quickfix list items, etc.

eunuch.vim: helpers for UNIX

A tree explorer plugin for vim.

Command: Ctrl-N

Vim plugin: Support for user-defined text objects

Maintains a history of previous yanks, changes and deletes.

Command: ,y

Undo tree like emacs's

Command: ,pu

Vim plugin that defines a new text object representing lines of code at the same indent level. Useful for python/vim scripts, etc.

The matchit.vim script allows you to configure % to match more than just single characters.

Fuzzy file, buffer, mru and tag finder.

Command: ctrl-p

ctrlp view

Plugin to create and use a scratch Vim buffer.

easybuffer.vim - vim plugin to quickly switch between buffers

Command ,be

A Vim plugin for focussing on a selected region

This plugin is inspired by the Narrowing feature of Emacs and means to focus on a selected region while making the rest inaccessible. You simply select the region, call :NR and the selected part will open in a new split window while the rest of the buffer will be protected. Once you are finished, simply write the narrowed window (:w) and all the changes will be moved back to the original buffer.

Once installed, take a look at the help at :h NrrwRgn


Text outlining and task management for Vim based on Emacs’ Org-Mode.

Use proper syntax highlighting for code blocks such as:

int i = 1;

general support for text linking. The hyperlinks feature of vim-orgmode depends on this plugin.

An awesome automatic table creator & formatter allowing one to create neat tables as you type.

Command ,tm to activate table mode


lean & mean statusline for vim that's light as air


A vim plugin to display the indention levels with thin vertical lines (or: any char you like).


Tmux vim syntax.

vim plugin to interact with tmux.


Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by class etc.

Command: ,t

gitk for Vim.

Vim plugin for intensely orgasmic commenting.

Command: ,cl ,cu

A Vim plugin for managing three-way merges.

fugitive.vim: a Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal

A Vim plugin which shows a git diff in the 'gutter' (sign column). It shows whether each line has been added, modified, and where lines have been removed. You can also stage and revert individual hunks.

Command: [h, ]h

Syntax checking hacks for vim

Greate plugin for code complete and jump to defination, supports clang and python

This plugin needs to install requirements manually, Please read the documents of ycm.


Vim/Ruby Configuration Files.

rails.vim: Ruby on Rails power tools

A custom text object for selecting ruby blocks.

Refactoring tool for Ruby in vim!



Vim runtime files for Haml, Sass, and SCSS.

Vim syntax file for mustache and handlebars(?)

Vim Markdown runtime files.

Vim Jade template engine syntax highlighting and indention.

A clone of the slim vim plugin from stonean.


Syntax Highlighting for Stylus.


CoffeeScript support for vim.

Format and validate JSON files.

:Jacinto validate


:Jacinto syntax


A filetype, syntax and indent plugin for Clojure.


Syntax file for Haskell's cabal syntax file

An unpacked copy of the haskellmode vimball. Ping me if it needs updating.


Vim configuration files for Elixir.


A fork of python.vim, menus are removed and bindings changed.

Django sytax supports

Go lang

Support for go is now available:

Full featured Go (golang) support for Vim. vim-go installs automatically all necessary binaries for providing seamless Vim integration . It comes with pre-defined sensible settings (like auto gofmt on save), has autocomplete, snippet support, improved syntax highlighting, go toolchain commands, etc... It's highly customizable and has settings for disabling/enabling features easily. Do not use it with other Go plugins.


Statement oriented editing of C / C++ programs

Speed up writing new code considerably.

Write code und comments with a professional appearance from the beginning.

Use code snippets


A Vim color scheme.

precision colorscheme for the vim text editor

Molokai color scheme for Vim.

Vim color scheme designed to be very readable in both light and dark environments.

A dark colourscheme combining Jellybeans, Solarized and Tomorrow Night.

Call for Help

If you have ideas on how to make this Vim configuration framework better, don’t hesitate to fork and send pull requests. Thanks!

Major Contributors

Inspired by

Cooked by Zaiste!


Kick-ass Vim configuration framework.






No releases published


No packages published


  • Vim Script 91.5%
  • Shell 8.5%