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Cappuccino Changelog

Alexander Ljungberg edited this page Mar 29, 2015 · 5 revisions

What's New in Cappuccino 0.9.8

Release date : 2015-03-29

Cappuccino 0.9.8 introduces multiline support for CPTextField, Cucapp, XcodeCapp 3.2 and over 300 other changes and improvements.

Highlights in this release:

  • New: @typdef support.
  • New: multi-line support for CPTextField.
  • New: CFError, CPURLErrors and CFError.
  • New: CPControl -setControlSize:.
  • Redesigned 'CPPredicateEditor' and 'CPRuleEditor'.
  • New: all @protocols in Foundation and AppKit.
  • New: support for capp_lint and objj to XcodeCapp (now version 3.2).
  • Added Cucapp as part of the Cappuccino Project (
  • New: support for more than 32 theme states in the theming system.
  • Fixed: many memory leaks in Foundation and AppKit.
  • Optimization of the runtime function objj_msgSend.

Foundation and Core

  • (a1ea371) New: CPCoding for CPAttributedString.
  • (7c6ef51) New: CPDate +dateByAddingTimeInterval:.
  • (e7ae969) New: CPNotificationCenter -addObserverName:object:queue:usingBlock:.
  • (fa5fd1e) New: CPDiacriticInsensitiveSearch support in CPString for the method -(CPRange)rangeOfString:options:range:. Added support for strip variants of 'E' 'I' 'O' 'U'.

Bug Fixes:

  • (1dc84f9) Fixed: issue with CPDateFormatter -_dateWithTimeZone: when timeZone is null.
  • (acd5442) Fixed: CPDateFormatter's relativeDateFormating didn't work in January and was inaccurate for some time intervals around daylight saving time changes.
  • (d176dd0) Fixed: CPNumber +numberWithBool: broke CPComparisonPredicate.
  • (a31ad2c) Fixed: CPAttributedString -isEqual: true despite attribute differences.
  • (9119e08) Fixed: CPDateFormatter didn't work for non-"en" locales.
  • (06240d1) Fixed: CPUserDefault -setFloat:forKey: used @selector(aValue) instead of @selector(floatValue).
  • (d3490f6) The method encodeValueOfObjCType has been renamed to encodeValueOfObjJType in CPCoder.
  • (eb883bc) Refactoring of the classes CPURLRequest and CPURLConnection:
    • The property withCredentials has been moved from CPURLConnection to CPURLRequest.
    • The accessors originalRequest and currentRequest have been added to CPURLConnection.
    • Added the possibility to make a deep copy of the CPURLRequest.
  • (b1382e8) Fixed: a CPOperation marked as cancelled could not be restarted.
  • (fa7b71c) Fixed: constructors of CPDate did not raise warnings when the arguments were not floats or ints.


  • (7b86465) New: protocols CPTableViewDelegate and CPTableViewDataSource.
  • (09eca10) New: protocol CPAlertDelegate.
  • (4d266f4) New: protocol CPCollectionViewDelegate.
  • (5b2bfce) New: protocol CPApplicationDelegate.
  • (db113da) New: protocols CPOutlineViewDelegate and CPOutlineViewDataSource.
  • (7d14676) New: protocol CPTabViewDelegate.
  • (5dd4266) New: protocol CPToolbarDelegate.
  • (cc9d896) New: protocol CPPopoverDelegate.
  • (f8ae610) New: protocol CPSplitViewDelegate.
  • (7ccdc50) New: protocol CPAnimationDelegate.
  • (d5af980) New: protocol CPSoundDelegate.
  • (0a85b4b) New: protocol CPImageDelegate.
  • (1825887) New: protocol CPMenuDelegate.
  • (59b80ab) New: protocol CPComboDelegate.
  • (9b39724) New: protocol CPRuleEditorDelegate.
  • (1171c9a) New: protocol CPTokenFieldDelegate.
  • (9d2fba3) New: protocol CPWindowDelegate.
  • (26118ee) New: protocols CPControlTextEditingDelegate and CPTextFieldDelegate.
  • (2513cf0) New: protocol CPBrowserDelegate.
  • (25bb51f) New: protocol CPComboBoxDataSource.
  • (6cae917) New: bidirectional CPLevelIndicator behavior.
  • (7d304fb) New: support for unlimited number of CPTheme state definitions.
  • (970b176) New: graphical CPDatePicker now reacts correctly to clicks on the arrow buttons with Cmd / ctrl / alt depressed.
  • (c1fb54e) New: delegate method CPTableView -tableView:willRemoveView:forTableColumn:row.
  • (904454d) New: delegate method CPOutlineView -outlineView:willRemoveView:forTableColumn:item:.
  • (1b351ad) New: CPColor +checkerBoardColor for debug use.
  • (050fcf2) New: CPThemeStateFirstResponder for CPView.
  • (025a43e) New: CPThemeStateKeyWindow for CPView.
  • (a544854) New: feature to select a set of dates with a shift click in a CPDatePicker.
  • (0f2ec90) New: support for documentVisibleRect in CPClipView and CPScrollView.
  • (7470f4f) New: CPEvent scrollingDeltaX, scrollingDeltaY and hasPreciseScrollingDeltas.
  • (07c0de7) New: support line-by-line scrolling with old scroll wheel devices in Firefox.
  • (12c427a) New: added the method CPControl -setControlSize:.
  • (3dc581e) New: added the theme attribute nib2cib-adjustment-frame.
  • (a3796fe) New: the method -(void)bind:toObject:withKeyPath:options: now checks if another exclusive binding exists.
  • (a3796fe) New: added the private method +(void)_reverseSetValueFromExclusiveBinderForObject: in CPBinder to send the value back to the bound object when you don't know the original binding name.
  • (9c6cca7) New: multi-line support for CPTextField.
  • (e1d92bd) New: CPDatePicker now has a focus ring when editing.
  • (fa3f18c) Optimizaton: CPWindow -setContentView: now checks that the new view is not the same as the existing content view.

Bug Fixes:

  • (8b975f5, 8147f64) Fixed: CPDatePicker textual issues.
  • (21aac76) Fixed: crash in CPDateFormatter -getObjectValue:forString:errorDescription: with nil errorDescription.
  • (2fc501f) Fixed: CPDateFormatter -stringFromDate: did not return a default date.
  • (ebccbf2) Fixed: issues with timeZone and the CPDatePicker.
  • (93b48ba) Fixed: support for dates (CPDatePicker) in CPPredicateEditor.
  • (1814f6b) Fixed: crash when clicking on an empty CPTableView with variable row height.
  • (821f8fe) Fixed: error when several objects were bound to the same objectController.selection.keyPath and the objectController selection changed.
  • (d7b5382) Fixed: CPTabView did not update its tab's labels when laid out.
  • (974942a) Fixed: OS X two finger scrolling issue.
  • (86f0724) Fixed: CPRoundRectBezelStyle gave a CPNull ThemeState.
  • (5b4e7df) Fixed: placeholder string shown while editing empty CPTextField.
  • (be3c4ab) Fixed: CPPopover not closing in some browsers.
  • (15e16d8) Fixed: editing text fields on different windows could clobber each other's contents.
  • (8bdaeab) Fixed: selection behavior when implementing CPTableView -selectionIndexesForProposedSelection:
  • (1557c56) Fixed: crash due to wrong delegate bitmask in CPOutlineView.
  • (af83065) Fixed: warning due to use of aDOMEvent.returnValue.
  • (3e187df) Fixed: CPPopover transitionend not correctly called in random cases.
  • (07f7ad0) Fixed: crash on Cmd + Z keypress within a control in a CPPopover.
  • (de4bc67) Fixed: CPToolTip added to CPWindow wrong.
  • (af37616) Fixed: CPToolTip still shown when closing a window asynchronously.
  • (4dadf0c) Fixed: CPPopover did not update its frame after setContentSize:.
  • (3c0f6d3) Fixed: CPMenu enabled state was not visually updated upon change of a bound value.
  • (951e811) Fixed: CPPopover -popverWillShow: was called too early.
  • (584955c) Fixed: CPPopover -updateFrameWithSize: always assumed the popover was open.
  • (59a9727) Fixed: crash due to CPTooltip remaining attached to a closed CPWindow.
  • (26d6450) Fixed: variable scope in CPSegmentedControl.
  • (7fc014f) Fixed: contentInset theme value read two times in CPToolBar.
  • (d46b9b5) Fixed: textual CPDatePicker stepper incorrectly enabled after decode.
  • (61f6ef4) Fixed: crash in CALayer when running non-DOM platform.
  • (ba27a4c) Fixed: new first responder and key window theme states not always applied.
  • (a4702d4) Fixed: illegible white on grey text in CPTableView.
  • (f953b4d) Fixed: warning when closing a CPPopover for the first time.
  • (741ac31) Fixed: issue when making the first paste with a right click.
  • (089d564) Fixed: CPDatePicker firstResponder issue.
  • (ac53b30) Fixed: CPComboBox doesn't work in modal.
  • (1e12973) Fixed: wrong text colour in a CPTableView cell when editing another cell.
  • (a129f2c) Fixed: CPTextField didn't update its style while editing.
  • (3364e6c) Fixed: unsigned delegate methods of CPTokenField erased by CPTextField.
  • (cd6ffba) Fixed: CPPanel and CPPopover didn't close when hitting escape.
  • (972c142) Fixed: CPDatePicker value became wrong after a stepper was clicked.
  • (148f317) Fixed: when closing a CPPanel with escape, the delegates were not called.
  • (3b9a012) Fixed: CPTextField -setTextColor: did not change the color of the placeholder.
  • (43ed8be) Fixed: delegate method popoverWillShow: called when the popover was already open.
  • (7bd27eb) Fixed: crash of press tool when missing theme attribute(s).
  • (34072f3) Fixed: stringValue was used instead of intValue in CPDatePicker.
  • (f8457bd) Fixed: CPPopover _closeOnBlur had accessors.
  • (c274f27) Fixed: escape on a CPanel or a CPPopover broke the key chain event.
  • (88954b9) Fixed: CPCollectionView height was too low.
  • (7de3022) Fixed: animation of a CPPopover didn't work as in Cocoa.
  • (c642d76) Fixed: CPPopover didn't handle semi-transient behavior.
  • (3652931) Fixed: CPTextField -setTextFieldBackgroundColor: had not effect.
  • (4a3f51e) Fixed: CPDatePicker did not use days, months, year when used within a CPPredicateEditor.
  • (293114f) Fixed: delete methods erased entire field in CPTextField.
  • (01b631a) Fixed: CPPopover not showing in correct platform window.
  • (d686a0d) Fixed: CPTextField bindings delete data in case of multiple selection after tabbing out with no editing.
  • (7890085) Fixed: CPPopover animation issues.
  • (26e29df) Fixed: CPRuleEditor/CPPredicateEditor alignments.
  • (3e4c038) Fixed: memory leaks in CPOutlineView and corrupted itemInfos dictionary.
  • (55861a8) Fixed: transient popovers were not closed by a right click.
  • (b3f7f44) New: set user event flag based on presence of DOMEvent in CPTextField.
  • (a04f104) Fixed: checking if a CPTextField is usable in a CPPlatformWindow.
  • (48b3eb2) Fixed: delegate method popoverDidShow: not called with a none animated CPPopover.
  • (b1981bb) Fixed: activateIgnoringOtherApps:shouldIgnoreOtherApps did not call _didBecomeActive in CPApplication.
  • (4cebfbc) Removed outdated collectionViewDidChangeSelection: delegate method.
  • (b2f1477) Fixed: wrong condition in CPApplication in _didBecomeActive.
  • (9ed30f5) Fixed: methods viewDidMoveToSuperview, viewDidMoveToWindow, viewWillMoveToSuperview and viewWillMoveToWindow not called as in Cocoa.
  • (abdf115) Fixed: memory leaks with CPNotification.
  • (92a5fa1) Fixed: crash of the CPOutlineView when reloading and asssigning an item to another parent.
  • (f1cfa14) Fixed: buttons in CPButtonBar were never removed from the CPButtonBar
  • (3f4ba87) Fixed: CPTooltip content alignement was mistakenly set to be justified.
  • (b922144) Fixed: some tooltips were truncated.
  • (fe6a576) Fixed: Aristo 1 close button of inactive windows looked like the same in active windows.
  • (f007ecf) Fixed: wrong text-color for CPDatePicker.
  • (ae5b3c4) Fixed: CPDatePicker didn't work in a CPTableView.
  • (ab4f0f8) Fixed: display-issue in Google Chrome caused by a negative z-index.
  • (48276f9) Fixed: CPPlatformString +sizeWithFont:inWidth sometimes calculated a width 1 px too narrow.
  • (8d036ab) Fixed: backspace in a non-editable or disabled CPTextField triggered the browser's page back button.
  • (b9b396a) Fixed: CPButton -setHidden: in a button bar was not working.
  • (1e39281) Fixed: the method -(void)unbindAllForObject: of the class CPBinder did not work.
  • (7db488c) Fixed: memory leaks in CPImageView due to the CPImageDidLoadNotification.
  • (a3796fe) Fixed: memory leaks for the classes CPPopUpButton, CPRadio and CPSegmentedControl when using bindings.
  • (83ec89f) Fixed: CPDatePicker incorrectly sent an action to its target when using the method -(void)setObjectValue: or -(void)setDateValue:.
  • (c1e89bd) Fixed: CPDatePicker did not behave a a CPTextField in a CPTableView with regards to row selection.
  • (b617d60) Fixed: when encoding and decoding a CPTableView, several _CPTableDrawViews were added to the view.
  • (921fcbd) Fixed: the first responder would sometimes stop being the first responder when moved between two views in the same window.
  • (5979baa) Fixed: CPPopover's -popoverShouldClose: delegate method was not called in transient or semi-transient mode.
  • (608480c) CPPopover windows now trap the next mouse event automatically if the popover is still visible after a performClose:.
  • (09e3c5e) Fixed: ability to select part of a textual CPDatePicker when dragging.
  • (f295667) Fixed: Key Value Observing generated new and old values in the change dictionary regardless of the options provided when adding the observer. Now it respects the options passed in the method addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context:. This can result in speed improvements of up to 200%.
  • (8e346f1) Fixed: when a CPTableView had its selection style set to CPTableViewSelectionHighlightStyleNone, two clicks were required to select a control in a row.
  • (328172c) Fixed: CPTableView enabled the bezeled state of a non-selectable CPTextField when right clicked.
  • (a75e5d9) Fixed: a selectable text mouse cursor style was not shown when the mouse hovered above an enabled and editable or selectable CPTextField.
  • (2e3c658) Fixed: when closing and reopening a CPWindow the first responder would not reset.
  • (459374d) Fixed: the menu of CPComboBox would not move in tandem with its control's window.
  • (f486c02) Fixed: some CPComboBox APIs. You can now set the font, alignment, intercellSpacing and itemHeight of the CPComboBox without listDelegate.
  • (2dff805) The content-inset of a CPComboBox has been changed for better alignment.
  • (5cad5b0) Fixed: the text cursor of a CPTextField didn't take the content-inset into account.
  • (d8718cc) Fixed: when switching between two CPPlatformWindows, the new targeted window didn't get the first CPEvent which instead went to the previous window.
  • (d8718cc) Fixed: a CPPanel could not be opened in a CPPlatformWindow other than the main one.
  • (afe326c) New: you can now set a specific height for a CPTextField even if a control size is set.
  • (5a99e18) Fixed: chaining sheet dialogs in a CPWindow wouldn't work.
  • (d5b4d66) Fixed: opening a CPMenu with items and then opening a CPMenu without any items would cause a crash.
  • (05d602c) CPDatePicker no longer holds the character CPCarriageReturnCharacter.
  • (c4fbef2) Fixed: crash when dragging the first filter of a CPRuleEditor above the first line of the rule editor.
  • (f17898d, 0fb7399) Fixed: CPPopover would no longer move together with the control it was attached to.
  • (3aa8eb9) Fixed: blank screen in some browser. The z-index of the main div of the Cappuccino is now set to 0 instead of -1000.
  • (82dc126) Fixed: memory leaks in the classes CPTableView, CPScrollView, CPClipeView, CPComboBox, CPTextField and CPView.
  • (82dc126) Fixed: a null intercellSpacing would crash CPComboBox. The delegate method comboBoxWillDismiss: did not work.
  • (f4c2a0a) Fixed: the add and remove button of a CPPredicateEditor were blurred.
  • (0265fc3) Fixed: the size of a CPCheckBox was incorrectly calculated when using the constructor checkBoxWithTitle:.
  • (02f301d) Fixed: CPStepper class method returned id instead of CPStepper type.
  • (f2528b5) Fixed: inconsistent naming of CPDOMDisplayServerSetStyleBackgroundSize
  • (a2c0b47) Fixed: CPDatePicker did not gray out dates outside of minDate and maxDate.


  • (5ab346e) New: the keyword @typedef has been added to Objective-J. This keyword allows you to define new types for your application.
  • (d3490f6) New: CFError has been added to the framework. CPError is now toll-free bridged with CFError. This mirrors the implementation in Cocoa.
  • (d3490f6) New: CPURLErrors and CFNetworkErrors have been added to the framework. They respect the same error codes as in Cocoa.
  • (2411edd) New: faster objj_msgSend.
  • (3331778) New: CFHTTPRequest now accepts the withCredentials property.
  • (ffcef90) New: CPURLRequest now accepts withCredentials.

Bug Fixes:

  • (ee668df) Fixed: ivars with accessors in a Category caused a duplicate ivar error.
  • (8c43f4f) Fixed: potential error while skipping whitespace in XML plists.
  • (1dbd41a) Fixed: error in Internet Explorer if Info.plist was served with the wrong content type.
  • (d629a13) Fixed: issue with InvalidStateError when using CPURLConnection in IE11.
  • (2f7681f) Fixed: the compiler did not show erorrs on the first line of a file.
  • (13fe318) Fixed: Objective-J now gives an understandable error when the compiler cannot find a protocol in a class declaration.
  • (6f90e76) Fixed: the keyword @ref did not work correctly if the variable was an ivar.


  • (973940f) New: integration of capp_lint in XcodeCapp.
  • (f14add2) New: added option in XcodeCapp for displaying errors in notifications.
  • (4806c52) New: update Cappuccino from XcodeCapp.
  • (b028e62) New: support of objj in XcodeCapp.
  • (148960e) New: XcodeCapp now has an option to select if it becomes active or not when opening the errors & warnings panel.

Bug Fixes:

  • (8f5aa0e) Fixed: XcodeCapp documentation was outdated.


  • (0cc1679) New: nib2cib support for the standard color panel toolbar item.

Bug Fixes:

  • (4a31467) Fixed: CPSegementedControl causes an error in nib2cib.
  • (e7a0e9a) Fixed: "the built in image NSRadioButton is not supported" error.
  • (b28e0d1) Fixed: nib2cib of CPDatePicker would not convert enabled state.
  • (c28da78) Fixed: nib2cib of segmented control would not convert enabled state.


  • (fadffee) New: now uses SSL.
  • (febce68) New: don't run Travis setup quietly to make it easier to track setup errors.
  • (2e015c9) New: Doxygen theme refresh.
  • (6334458) New: CFPropertyList unit tests have been added.
  • (79c2576) New: manual AppKit tests have been added.
  • (9e918cc) New: ability to perform offline bootstraping.
  • (cd19fc7) New: capp_lint is installed with jake install.
  • (02f36a1) New: theme kitchen sink manual test to exercise many themable controls in many states at once.
  • (b028e62) New: options -m, -I, -h added to objj to compile several files.
  • (64a15db) New: when building your application you can now disable the CommonJS build phase by setting the system environement variable IGNORE_ENV_COMMONJS.
  • (ef4cd6a) New: --theme option for capp tool.
  • (06d0357) The Objective-J VIM highlighting has been updated and is similar to the official Objective-C VIM highlighting and the official JavaScript VIM highlighting.
  • (fdc5ed9) New: the configuration files of doxygen have been redesigned. The command jake docset has been added.

Bug Fixes:

  • (fa66c26) Fixed: broken documentation.
  • (23ff035) Fixed: wrong link to install homebrew.
  • (d51f179) Fixed: error when running some XML tests with rhino.
  • (c21d0c6) Fixed: dependency on tusk in jakefile.
  • (372372a) Fixed: capp_lint didn't handle protocol.
  • (8d7c47a) Remove explicit use of Mac OS X 10.5 SDK, replace with latest OS X in fontinfo.
  • (7958775, 75a4d8a) Fixed: didn't handle specific OpenJDK Runtime Environment version. could not filter the OpenJDK version key out correctly.
  • (a822ec7) Fixed: jake did not work in the Cappuccino directory for non-Mac OS X systems.
  • (e155cca) Old CI scripts have been removed from the Tools directory.
  • (c484e4a) NativeHost is no longer built by default.
  • (c3fc6a0) Fixed: the URL of the current release version of Cappuccino was wrong in the documentation.
  • (e40612a) Fixed: in the Jakefile template, the configuration build environment parameter could have multiple values. Now this variable is correctly set by detecting the build environment.
  • (de3eb86) Fixed: some warnings when compiling Cappuccino with rhino.
  • (ee688d9) Fixed: showcase of themes was broken.


  • (1ab1ac2) New: ability to launch a set of tests from a test file.
  • (9bb55a2) New: +setUp and +tearDown methods.
  • (410d9ce) New: print the number of tests launched by OJTest.
  • (080b5b7) New: warnings raised when tests are declared several times.

Bug Fixes:

  • (1f6cc19) Fixed: coverage options for OJTest.

Other Changes

The changes above summarise a few hundred of the most important changes in Cappuccino 0.9.8. You can review the other 700 or so changes in the 0.9.7...0.9.8 compare view.

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