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File metadata and controls

823 lines (581 loc) · 32 KB



  • #400 Drop dependency on terminal-table and use formatador instead. (@netzpirat)

Bug fixes

1.6.2 - 27 January, 2013


  • Allow the logger device to be set with the :device option. (@netzpirat)
  • Improve list and show command output. (@netzpirat)
  • #386 Replace Pry's reset command. (@envygeeks)

Bug fixes

1.6.1 - 27 December, 2012


1.6.0 - 21 December, 2012

New features

  • Allow the Guard scope to be defined from the Guardfile with the scope DSL method. (@netzpirat)
  • #378 Scope plugins and groups from CLI and interactor. (@netzpirat)
  • #369 Allow Guard plugins to specify their template location. (@schmurfy)
  • #364 Add ignore! and filter! DSL methods. (@tarsolya)
  • #362 Add interactor options :history_file and :guard_rc. (@netzpirat)


  • #372 Restore original TMux settings on stop. (@rudicode)
  • #376 Delegate Ctrl-C to Pry to exit continuation. (@netzpirat)
  • #360 Improve Guard/listen/interactor thread coordination. (@netzpirat)
  • #368 Detecting duplicate definitions and then warning the user. (@jfolkins)
  • #367 Change modeline's fgcolor when changing bgcolor in emacs notifier. (@iljoo)

Bug fixes

1.5.4 - 9 November, 2012


  • Thread handling improved and added thread debug mode. (@netzpirat)

Bug fix

  • #358 Ignore ~/.pryrc since it breaks Guard when loading the Rails env. (@netzpirat)

1.5.3 - 31 October, 2012

Bug fixes

1.5.2 - 29 October, 2012

Bug fix

1.5.1 - 28 October, 2012

Bug fix

  • #351 Fix turning off the interactor from the Guardfile. (@netzpirat)

1.5.0 - 22 October, 2012

New features


  • #348 Introduce grouping of the notifiers. (@netzpirat)
  • #343 Customize tmux notifier status location. (@nickmabry)
  • Adds ability to override default options in emacs notifier. (@d1)
  • Use $stderr instead of STDERR to allow redirection. (@netzpirat)
  • #334 Extend :tmux notifier with use of tmux display-message and options to configure them. (@matthijsgroen)

1.4.0 - 26 September, 2012

1.3.3 - 20 September, 2012

  • Add Guard application icon to GNTP notifier. (@netzpirat)
  • #324 Allow Terminal Notifier title to be customizable. (@mattgreen)

1.3.2 - 15 August, 2012


1.3.1 - 14 August, 2012


1.3.0 - 3 August, 2012

Bug fix


  • Add support for OS X notification center (@foxycoder)
  • Add support for Emacs notifications (@maio)
  • Add support for multiple guards being passed to guard init. (@jredville)

1.2.1 - 2 July, 2012

Bug fix

  • Fix template methods in the Guard plugin class that causes loss of listen changes. (@netzpirat)

1.2.2 - 2 July, 2012

Bug fix

1.2.1 - 20 June, 2012

Bug fix

  • Work around a Listen issue where the stop task isn't executed. (@netzpirat)

1.2.0 - 20 June, 2012


  • Add a Coolline based interactor (Ruby 1.9.3 only). (@netzpirat)
  • More flexible command parser for all interactors. (@netzpirat)
  • Add 'show' command to describe all plugins in the interactor. (@netzpirat)
  • Add 'change' command to trigger a file change event in the interactor. (@netzpirat)

1.1.1 - 3 June, 2012

Bug fix

1.1.0 - 2 June, 2012


  • Listening is now handled by the Listen gem.
  • Replace the --verbose option with the --debug option.
  • New --latency/-l option to overwrite Listen's default latency.
  • New --force-polling/-p option to force usage of the Listen polling listener.
  • --watch-all-modifications/-A option is removed and is now always on.
  • --no-vendor/-I option is removed because the monitoring gems are now part of the Listen gem. You can specify a custom version of any monitoring gem directly in your Gemfile if you want to overwrite Listen's default monitoring gems.
  • Guard plugins must now implement run_on_additions, run_on_modifications, run_on_removals and / or run_on_changes. The run_on_change and run_on_deletion methods are deprecated and should be removed as soon as possible. See the Upgrade guide for existing guards to Guard v1.1 for more info.

The Listen integration has been supervised by @thibaudgg and executed by @Maher4Ever, @rymai and @thibaudgg.

1.0.3 - 14 May, 2012


  • Improve Thor dependency '~> 0.14.6' => '>= 0.14.6'. (@thibaudgg)

1.0.2 - 30 April, 2012


  • #274 and #275 Make the Bundler warning less scary and more friendly. (@mcmire)
  • #270 Make urgency configurable for libnotify/notifysend. (@viking)
  • #254 Add the possibility to pause/unpause by sending OS signal. (@steakknife)
  • #261 Clarify the usage of the term guard-name in the README. (@spadin)
  • Add a --no-bundler-warning option to Guard start. (@netzpirat)
  • Update vendor/darwin. (@thibaudgg)

Bug fixes

1.0.1 - 7 March, 2012


Bug fixes

1.0.0 - 19 January, 2012


Bug fixes

  • #226 Use a direct file descriptor with stty. (@netzpirat)
  • #218 Watching directory with -A option only reports a deleted file the first time around. (@rymai)
  • #174 Not creating timestamps for new files with -A option. (@rymai)
  • #216 Fix exit-status codes for Guard. (@Maher4Ever)
  • #213 and #214 Fix the "ERROR: No guards found in Guardfile" message wrongly displayed when running guard list. (@pirukire)

0.10.0 - 1 January, 2012


  • Improve Readline constraints. (@netzpirat)
  • Stop and start all guards on Guardfile reevaluation. (@thibaudgg)

Bug fix

  • Terminal keep-alive causing ERROR: Unknown command. (@waldo)

0.9.4 - December 25, 2011


  • Add the ability to load user defined templates. (@hawx)

Bug fix

  • Fix guard-rspec notifications by using ENV variable to store Notifier.notifications. (@thibaudgg)

0.9.3 - December 23, 2011


  • Fix terminal status after interrupting the Readline interactor. (@Maher4Ever)

0.9.2 - December 22, 2011


  • Add interactor to DSL to allow switching Guard interaction implementation. (@netzpirat)
  • Add quit action to the interactor. (@Maher4Ever)

0.9.1 - December 19, 2011

Bug fixes

0.9.0 - December 19, 2011

Bug fixes


  • #165 Allow underscores in Guard name. (@benolee)
  • Add readline support to the interactor. (@netzpirat)
  • Add support for notification configuration. (@netzpirat)

0.8.8 - October 21, 2011

Bug fix

  • Fix guard init when a guard name is given. (@rymai)

0.8.7 - October 18, 2011

Bug fix

0.8.6 - October 17, 2011

Bug fixes

  • #168 Fix guard init path to Guardfile template. (reported by @semperos)
  • #167 Include objects in changed_paths when Guard allows any return from the watchers. (reported by @earlonrails, fixed by @netzpirat)

0.8.5 - October 17, 2011


  • reload and run_all Guard terminal interactions actions can be scoped to only run on a certain guard or group. (@thibaudgg)
  • Add cli option (-i / --no-interactions) to turn off Guard terminal interactions. (@thibaudgg)
  • Add support for Growl Notification Transport Protocol. (@netzpirat)
  • #157 Allow any return from the Guard watchers. (@earlonrails)
  • #156 Log error and diagnostic messages to STDERR. (@sunaku)
  • #152 Growl Notify API update for a graceful fail. (@scottdavis)

Bug fix

0.8.4 - October 3, 2011

Bug fix

  • #149 and #150 Fix issue where interactor thread was continuing to capture input from stdin while a guard is being executed. (reported by @hardipe, fixed by @f1sherman)

0.8.3 - October 1, 2011

Bug fix


  • #146 Use a mutex instead of a lock for more efficient/simple locking. (@f1sherman)
  • Make Guard implementation of :task_has_failed simple. (@netzpirat)

0.8.2 - September 30, 2011

Bug fix


  • Update docs regarding :task_has_failed. (@netzpirat)

0.8.1 - September 29, 2011

Bug fix

0.8.0 - September 28, 2011

Bug fixes

New feature

  • #136 New CLI :watch_all_modifications/-A option to watch for deleted and moved files too. (@limeyd and @netzpirat)
  • #97 Guard dependencies. Task execution can now be halted if a Guard throws :task_has_failed and Guard::Dsl#group options include :halt_on_fail => true. (@rymai)
  • #121 Guard.guards and Guard.groups are now smart accessors. Filters can be passed to find a specific Guard/group or several Guard plugins/groups that match (see YARDoc). (@rymai and @ches)
  • New Guard::Group class to store groups defined in Guardfile (with Guard::Dsl#group). (@rymai)


0.7.0 - September 14, 2011

0.7.0.rc1 - September 5, 2011

Major Changes

  • Posix Signals handlers (Ctrl-C, Ctrl-\ and Ctrl-Z) are no more supported and replaced by $stdin.gets. Please refer to the "Interactions" section in the README for more information. (@thibaudgg)
  • JRuby and Rubinius support (beta). (@thibaudgg and @netzpirat)

New features

  • #42 New DSL method: callback allows you to execute arbitrary code before or after any of the start, stop, reload, run_all and run_on_change guards' method. New Wiki page for documenting it. (@monocle and @rymai)
  • Ability to 'pause' files modification listening. Please refer to the "Interactions" section in the README for more information. (@thibaudgg)


  • Remove the need to scan the whole directory after guard's run_on_change method. (@thibaudgg)

0.6.3 - September 1, 2011

New features

  • #130 Add ignore_paths method to DSL. (@ianwhite)
  • #128 Users can add additional settings to ~/.guard.rb that augment the existing Guardfile. (@tpope)

0.6.2 - August 17, 2011

Bug fixes

  • Re-add the possibility to use the growl gem since the growl_notify gem this is currently known to not work in conjunction with Spork. (@netzpirat)
  • Ensure that scoped groups and group name are symbolized before checking for inclusion. (@rymai)

New features

  • Groups are now stored in a groups instance variable (will be used for future features). (@rymai)
  • Guard plugins will now receive their group in the options hash at initialization (will be used for future features). (@rymai)


  • Explain the growl/growl_notify differences in the README. (@netzpirat)

0.6.1 - August 15, 2011

Bug fixes

  • #120 Remove guardfile_contents when re-evaluating so that the Guardfile gets reloaded correctly. (@mordaroso)
  • #119 Dsl.evaluate_guardfile uses all groups if none specified. (@ches)

0.6.0 - August 13, 2011

Bug fixes

  • #107 Small spelling fix. (@dnagir)
  • Dir.glob now ignores files that don't need to be watched. (@rymai)

New feature


  • #99 [OS X] Switch from growl gem to growl_notify gem. (@johnbintz)
  • #115 [Linux] Add :transient => true to default libnotify options. (@zonque)
  • #95 Output system commands and options to be executed when in debug mode. (@uk-ar and @netzpirat)
  • Guard::Dsl.revaluate_guardfile has been renamed to Guard::Dsl.reevaluate_guardfile. (@rymai)
  • New CLI options: (@nestegg)
    • watchdir/-w to specify the directory in which Guard should watch for changes,
    • guardfile/-G to specify an alternate location for the Guardfile to use.
  • #90 Refactoring of color handling in the Guard::UI. (@stereobooster)

0.5.1 - July 2, 2011

Bug fix

0.5.0 - July 2, 2011

New features

  • Guard::Ego is now part of Guard, so Guardfile is automagically re-evaluated when modified. (@thibaudgg)
  • #91 Show Guard plugins in Guardfile with the guard -T. (@johnbintz)


  • #98 Multiple calls per watch event on linux with rb-inotify. (@jeffutter and @netzpirat)
  • #94 Show backtrace in terminal when a problem with a watch action occurs. (@capotej)
  • #88 Write exception trace in the terminal when a supervised task fail. (@mcmire)
  • Color in red the "ERROR:" flag when using UI.error. (@rymai)
  • #79 and #82 Improve INotify support on Linux. (@Gazer and @yannlugrin)
  • #12 and #86 Eventually exits with SystemStackError. (@stereobooster)
  • #84 Use RbConfig instead of obsolete and deprecated Config. (@etehtsea)
  • #80 Watching dotfile (hidden files under unix). (reported by @chrisberkhout, fixed by @yannlugrin)
  • Clear the terminal on start when the :clear option is given. (@rymai)
  • Rename home directory Guardfile to .Guardfile. (@tpope)

0.4.2 - June 7, 2011

Bug fixes

  • Fix Guard::Version in ruby 1.8.7 (@thibaudgg)
  • Fix (@mislav) link in the CHANGELOG (Note: this is a recursive CHANGELOG item). (@fnichol)

0.4.1 - June 7, 2011


  • #77 Refactor get_guard_class to first try the constant and fallback to require + various tweaks. (@mislav)
  • Notifier improvement, don't use system notification library if could not be required. (@yannlugrin)

0.4.0 - June 5, 2011

Bug fix

  • In Ruby < 1.9, Symbol#downcase doesn't exist! (@rymai)

New features

  • #73 Allow DSL's group method to accept a Symbol as group name. (@johnbintz)
  • #51 Allow options (like :priority) to be passed through to the Notifier. (@indirect and @netzpirat)


  • #74 Add link definitions to make the CHANGELOG more DRY! That's for sure now, we have the cleanest CHANGELOG ever! (even the link definitions are sorted alphabetically!) (@pcreux)

0.4.0.rc - May 28, 2011

Bug fixes

  • #69 Fix typo in README: Ctr-/ => Ctr-\. (@tinogomes)
  • #66 Support for dashes in guard names. (@johnbintz)
  • Require guard/ui because Guard::Notifier can be required without full Guard. (@yannlugrin)
  • Handle quick file (<1s) modification. Avoid to catch modified files without content modification (sha1 checksum). (@thibaudgg and @netzpirat)
  • Fix Guard::Notifier (when growl/libnotify not present). (@thibaudgg)
  • Fix Rubygems deprecation messages. (@thibaudgg)

New features

  • #67 Allow Guardfile in $HOME folder. (@hashrocketeer)
  • #64 Windows notifications support. (@stereobooster)
  • #63 Refactor listeners to work as a library. (@niklas)
  • Use ENV["GUARD_NOTIFY"] to disable notifications. (@thibaudgg)
  • Cleaning up all specs. (@netzpirat)
  • #60 Add Windows support. (@stereobooster)
  • #58 Extract code from signal handlers into methods. (@nicksieger)
  • #55 It's now possible to pass :guardfile (a Guardfile path) or :guardfile_contents (the content of a Guardfile) to Guard::Dsl.evaluate_guardfile. Hence this allows the use of Guard::Dsl.evaluate_guardfile in a programmatic manner. (@anithri, improved by @rymai)

0.3.4 - April 24, 2011

Bug fix

New features

  • Change CHANGELOG from RDOC to Markdown and cleaned it! Let's celebrate! (@rymai)
  • Change README from RDOC to Markdown! Let's celebrate! (@thibaudgg)
  • #48 Add support for inline Guard classes rather than requiring a gem. (@jrsacks)

0.3.3 - April 18, 2011

Bug fix

  • Fix new_modified_files rerun conditions on Guard.run_on_change_for_all_guards. (@thibaudgg)

0.3.2 - April 17, 2011

Bug fix

0.3.1 - April 14, 2011

Bug fixes

  • Return unique filenames from Linux listener. (Marian Schubert)
  • Guard.get_guard_class return wrong class when loaded nested class. (@koshigoe)
  • #35 Fix open-gem/gem_open dependency problem by using gem which to locate guards gem path. (reported by @thierryhenrio, fixed by @thibaudgg)
  • #38 and #39 Fix an invalid ANSI escape code in Guard::UI.reset_line. (@gix)

New feature

  • #28 New -n command line option to disable notifications (Growl / Libnotify). (@thibaudgg)

0.3.0 - January 19, 2011

Bug fix

  • Avoid launching run_on_change guards method when no files matched. --clear guard argument is now usable. (@thibaudgg)

New features

  • The whole directory is now watched during run_on_change to detect new files modifications. (@thibaudgg)
  • #26 New DSL method: group allows you to group several guards. New CLI option: --group group_name to specify certain groups of guards to start. (@netzpirat)
  • watch patterns are now more strict: strings are matched with String#==, Regexp are matched with Regexp#match. (@rymai)
  • A deprecation warning is displayed if your Guardfile contains String that look like Regexp (bad!). (@rymai)
  • It's now possible to return an Enumerable in the watch optional blocks in the Guardfile. (@rymai)

New specs

0.2.2 - October 25, 2010

Bug fix

  • #5 Avoid creating new copy of fsevent_watch every time a file is changed. (reported by @stouset, fixed by @thibaudgg)

0.2.1 - October 24, 2010

Bug fixes

0.2.0 - October 21, 2010

Bug fixes

0.2.0.beta.1 - October 17, 2010

New features

  • Improve listeners support (rb-fsevent and rb-inotify). (@thibaudgg)
  • Add polling listening fallback. (@thibaudgg)