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Anton Deguet edited this page Apr 14, 2021 · 56 revisions

Compatible development branches

Starting with version 2.0, you should use the .rosintall file in the dvrk-ros repository to pull all the dependencies required for the master or devel branches.


Roadmap for 2.1

  • Small projects

    • Update Teleop doc
    • #121, add cap on maximum difference between PID goals
    • IK with joint limits for PSMs
    • #54, save content of .cal file in generated XML file (for debug, retrieval, ...)
    • Add alert when SUJ are moved without brakes released
    • Autonomous ECM motion
    • Documentation and scripts for stereo camera calibration
  • Bigger projects

    • Trajectory in cartesian space
    • dVRK focus controller
    • Controller class:
      • Separate control PSM from PSM jaws
      • Add different controllers: velocity, interpolate...
    • 3D User Interface, ideally with RViz + endoscopic stereo stream
    • Better teleop PSM:
      • Use symmetry of MTM to set orientation and optimize roll
      • Force feedback on MTM based on error in orientation between MTM and PSM
    • MoveIt! (via CRTK)
    • Binary packages with repository on
    • ROS 2 (would likely require binary packages)
    • rosparam
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