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Howto geotag multible photos

k3b edited this page Apr 3, 2019 · 6 revisions

How To geotag multiple photo files on an android phone after you have taken them?

The android app "A Photo Manager" has powerfull support for geotagged photos: Show and find through a map.

This page describes how you can use your android device to geotag local photos (i.e. add/modify latitude/longitude to photo(s)).

  • Start APhotoManager in gallery view
  • use the "filter" menu/icon to find photos you want to tag:
    • filter by folder and/or date range
      • if you check "[ ] With no geo info" you get all photos that have no geo info yet.
    • ==> the gallery is populated with all photos that match the filter
  • via Gallery in multi selection mode mark all photos that should receive the same geo location.
    • long tap on the first image ==> it is marked with "[V]"
    • short tap on additional images from the same location
  • use the "set geo" menu to start tagging
    • select "pick from map" if you want to pick the geo-location from a map
    • select "pick from photo" if you want to pick the geo-location from a photo that has geo-location
    • select "GPS (Location Share)" if you want to use your current gps location.
    • select "Pick geo from Adress" if you want to translate city/streename to geo via online-openstreetmap-query.

See also

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